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Monday, March 29, 2021

Out Like a Lion


A mink crossing the canal at Yankee Hill Lock
before the ice went out

Although really, even as ferocious as lions are, this wind seems more like the breath of an ice dragon. An angry one.

What is with all this wind anyhow? I know March winds doth blow and all, but it seems as if each two-day blast is stronger than the one before.

Bunny under the bird feeder
Eastern Cottontail or
 left-over domestic from the rabbit raising days?

First it was bird feeders and canvases blowing around the yard. Then the wind stripped the landscape fabric off the garden.

A bucket of stone drill cores tipped over and rolled off the tarp it was weighing down.

Metal lawn chairs
flew through the air with the greatest of ease.

Today the heavy aluminum grain shovel that was next to the back door was tossed out into the driveway along with a couple of other, lighter tools.

It is hard to sleep with the house twisting and shaking and rattling and groaning. It is unpleasant to contemplate outdoor chores or even going birding. The boss asked this morning as he usually does and it was nothing but nope.

Guess we have some places
we have to drive today, but i am not looking forward to it one bit. Maybe it will let up a little bit later.

Meanwhile, somebody sneak down and pull the plug on the Devil's wind machine if you will please.


Terry and Linda said...

Head over to my blog and see what the wind did to us. I like wind, just not this kind you write about.

Cathy said...

Oh Marianne . . even when you go dark: " it was nothing but nope." - you throw so much wonderful light around. Thank you.

threecollie said...

Linda, I saw! That is crazy!

Cathy, lol