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Wednesday, July 20, 2022

About Last Night


The first inkling we had was Matt calling me to see if we were all okay. He had seen a post on Facebook about a bad accident down on the corner.

Quick roll call...everybody accounted for, although Liz had just gotten back a couple of minutes before.

We talked about how that Godawful power pole has obscured the view up the hill ever since the road was done over many years ago and how the job engineer didn't want it there, but the powers that be said it had to be placed so. You always had to creepy creep to see around it , with the nose of your car almost sticking into the intersection.

We saw photos online soon after. That pole was toast. It was a very bad crash and we can only pray for those involved. Not good.

Then the lights...and the fans...went out.

We ate the last of supper in the dark and hot, and sat around substituting phones for laptops until it became clear that power wasn't coming back anytime soon.

Off to bed, perchance to not sleep at all. We have no air conditioning in this place, but fans do a pretty decent job of making the hot days bearable. Except when they don't 

All night I kept getting texts pushing the restoration time back more and more. It was easy to understand as the photos showed a terrible mess, but too hot to sleep. Then the thunderstorm rolled in. Cooled things off enough for sleep, but I still worried about the freezers. They are all running full out now, and hopefully everything is okay. I am not going to check until later. We depend on them to keep our food in edible condition. Things we grow, beef from Alan's steer, things that we really couldn't replace.

Anyhow, 16 minutes before four my little fan stuttered to life and the clock started blinking. It was a long night. I wish the best for the people in the crash and wish with all my heart that the state would fix that terrible intersection. It has been the scene of more crashes than I can count, many of them serious and dozens of close calls every single day.


Cathy said...

Oh Marianne!

A true nightmare. I CAN imagine your discomfort at so many levels.

So glad your power is back on. Good grief.

Can't tell you how many. times we'll look at one another, roll our eyes and go: "2022 . ."

Here's an interesting coincidence: Yesterday after years and years of concerns . . . Keith called the county highway department to see if they will put a "Blind Driveway" sign up the road from us. It is soooo dangerous. I won't let delivery trucks back out onto that road and demand that they backup in our grass first to get turned around.

threecollie said...

Cathy, Wow, hope they get that taken care of! Believe it or not there was another similar accident on the same road just a few miles south last night. It is as if the heat has fried all the brainz. Ralph wanted to go birding last night after we got off kid duty and I only agreed to drive a couple of miles. No birds anyhow in the heat and people are nutz!
Also wildly grateful for the power, although the outage messed up one of the freezers...again...Hopefully I can revive it and meanwhile its contents are distributed all over the place for now. Hugs!

Cathy said...

Oh Honey . . . "Nutz" hardly begins to cover what's going on in peoples' heads right now. Dang. Oh! And get this. Apparently they no longer have "Blind Driveway" signs in their Bible . . . the department guy said. Those are his words. They don't use them anymore because people ignore them and it creates a false sense of security for the owners of the driveway! Can't make this sheet up.
Whew :( Stay safe . . . Hope you're able to stay cool and get that freezer goin'.