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Thursday, October 27, 2022

Clean up on Aisle Five

 I first noticed that many of the pumpkins in this field were broken

Then I spotted the sheep.

I wonder if they open them by themselves or if the Amish kids go out and smash them for them.

They seem to like them anyhow.

I can't believe I ate the whole thing....

Liz's sheep love vegetable scraps and leftover bread from the house as well, and it is a lot of fun to go stand by the gate and call, "Sheep, sheep, sheep."

They come boiling down the hill to snatch eagerly at whatever I bring. You can tell who is the head sheep by who grabs the donuts first. They are big favorites. Tomatoes are not. 

And surprisingly they would rather nom a slice of stale bread than nice, crispy, apple peelings.

 Who knew?


Shirley said...

I wonder if they will get tummy aches or worse from the pumpkin feast? I fed pumpkin to my dogs if they were constipated....

threecollie said...

Shirley, I feed the dogs pumpkin or squash fairly often as well. Seems to do them good. I don't know whether the squash will bother the sheep or not. We went by yesterday and they were no longer in the field though

Jacqueline Donnelly said...

Ha ha! Those sheep are like kids in a candy store! I haven't come by for a visit here in several weeks (I'm even neglecting my own blog these days), but now I have time to catch up on your posts. I've sure missed your musings as well as your fabulous photos. I'm glad to see you're still here and still posting.

threecollie said...

Jacqueline, I too have been remiss in my blog visits. The weather has been so nice I want to be OUT! And so I have been spending a lot less time at the computer lately. Thanks for stopping by!