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Thursday, March 16, 2023

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Shirley said...

Even a cold and icy winter day won't stop that dog from smiling :0)

Jacqueline Donnelly said...

I never knew a dog who didn't love snow. Even short-haired dogs. Except maybe chihuahuas. We can see the ground again in Saratoga, at least in places where the sun shines, but up in Moreau it was still shin deep today. And all the Hazelnut shrubs were flattened! In all the years I've observed them (30 or more), I've never seen that happen.

threecollie said...

Shirley, He had just finished a long walk with my brother and a rousing game of catching snowballs, so he was a happy boi!

Jacqueline, Seems as if Border Collies are especially fond of snow rolling. We passed an Amish farm today where their BC was rolling down the hill on his back then getting up with a big doggy grin. lol