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Wednesday, July 12, 2023

My Washing Machine plays Schubert


Anyone know what this plant is?
It grows at the edge of a swamp we know and it seems really pretty.

I am not sure if that makes me special in some way or not. However, it does drive me nuts* (not a long trip), as it reminds me of the old song, Convoy, which then gets stuck in my head for hours...or even days. Thanks Samsung, just what I needed.

***Merci to Becky for discovering this useless but interesting bit of trivia.

Speaking of audio delusions, we have the usual adult House Wren making an endless racket on the sitting porch...I think they are going to go for a third brood this summer. We also have its enthusiastic but not particularly talented offspring. (I assume it's its kid because it tolerates its presence and lousy singing there). Big wren sounds like a wren. Baby wren sounds like a screechy Black-throated Blue Warbler. I need one for my year list, so I sit up and take notice every time. See above for the general effect of this*.

Two pics of Long Lake in happier times

Meanwhile, it is nice today for a change, although it has managed to rain twice. 

On an ongoing basis however, it rains a lot every week, and almost every day. One of my favorite towns in the 'Dacks, Long Lake, pretty much washed away due to a dam failure under the onslaught of the ridiculous rains we've been having. It makes me really sad, as I love the place.

Our driveway tried to for a dip in the river too, but Ralph managed to catch it and haul it back up the hill with the skid steer. The rain can slow down a bit anytime now and I won't get mad. In fact.....

Go home and dry out Mother Nature, yer drunk.

Young of the year
An immature male Ruby-throated Hummingbird
and the first flower on the one of the geraniums I started from seed
last winter


Denny144 said...

Pretty sure that’s yellow loosestrife.

Shirley said...

Nice hummer photo!
At least you don't have tornados. A town south of us about 45 minutes away got nailed by a tornado a week ago.

threecollie said...

Denny, thank you! It is so pretty. I was disappointed to find that it is invasive, as I thought to bring some home for my garden pond.

Shirley, thanks! Sorry to read that about the tornado. Terrible things! We actually do get them, but nothing like the plains. Over the past 15 years or so, three of them have started at the farm west of ours, gone south of us, and wreaked havoc in towns to our east. We had to hit the cellar a couple of times, but were blessed enough to be missed. I can't imagine living where they are common and much stronger than here. We rarely see more than an F1 or 2 and they are scary enough

Terry and Linda said...

We are seeing more and more invasive plants around here. Started last year with a new one called Goose Foot, now Mulleins. The weed expert in our area said they started in people's yard as ornamentals and got loose in the wind and in the water. Sigh

threecollie said...

LInda, they are everywhere here, but I had never seen this plant before. I think it was spread the same way...escaping from gardens. I am pretty careful what I buy these days.