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Wednesday, August 30, 2023

It Always Rains


On the first day of the fair...or so Ralph has frequently said. 

It is certainly raining today. It rained all night and then between 3 and 4 AM it began to thunder continuously. It was not all that loud, no massive cracks and booms that shook the house, but no pauses either. I woke up thinking of that Garth Brooks song. Country music fans will know the one I mean. It sure was rolling.

Iron Cat hides in the Hysssss....op....

I wanted to get up before the house awoke
and get a peaceful shower. Nope. Now it is at it again. I feel sorry for all dogs that are horrified by thunder, especially Jill, who is in the kitchen panting and shivering.

I rejoice:

A) that the rain is supposed to stop in about an hour, so they may be able to hold the tractor pull, a major local event, much anticipated all year by many. Fair skies predicted until Friday. I suspect the weather wizards are high on something, but hey, you never know. Maybe we won't catch the tail end of that terrible storm down south. Also prayers for the many friends and family we have in the Sunshine State. Stay safe!

B) that I am not the one washing ponies, sheep, cows, etc. in the rain, in a thunderstorm. I have been there and done that and qualify for many, many tee shirts. I'm over it now.

C), that I actually like the song above and listen to it all the way through every time I have to go find a link for it. Admire the dancing too. Such agility should be respected.

@Linda Brown


Terry and Linda said...

It's so nice to be able to say---DONE! And still get to go and enjoy!

threecollie said...

Linda, everyone went over for the tractor pulls and rodeo last night....except me. I was happy to stay home and catch up on chores and walking