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Thursday, October 05, 2023



To sit in the yard on these damp Fall mornings is to rest in a shell at the bottom of a deep grey sea. Sounds are muffled, air is dripping, the view is dimly muted, aswirl with suspended drops of water. Opaque. Quiet. Queer.

A leaf, letting go, bouncing branch to branch, is a warbler passing through, filling up on bugs and berries. 

A warbler is a leaf letting go.

Autumn is a mixture of brief hellos and long goodbyes, and beautiful for it.

If only there weren't so many mosquitoes. 


Rev. Paul said...

Beautiful words and pictures. Thank you.

Shirley said...

:0) That reads like a haiku poem.
There are many precious moments in autumn.

Terry and Linda said...

Very lovely!

Cathy said...

Oh Marianne . . . Yes. What everyone has said here. You MUST submit this to other publications. It's truly one of the most beautiful takes - ever - on this time of year.