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Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Just Plain Nice

On the way home
from a particularly stressful morning...if you know, you know...we stopped to get the mail in town.

Included was a small, utterly unexpected, out-of-the-clear-blue-sky envelope. It contained a package of Lion's Ear seeds and a lovely note, from someone who reads Northview, remembered my struggles last summer to get the gangly plant I purchased going, and wanted me to have a better go this summer.

I was beyond delighted. It has been a challenging couple of months, and not getting easier anytime soon, and to have this wonderful surprise gift from a stranger meant a lot. She had to take quite a lot of effort to track down the address and get the seeds to me and I am much grateful.

So, thanks Susan, I will be planting them inside as soon as I can. 

I did get last summer's version going eventually and it was a real conversation piece. It reached the top of my little arbor and peeked merrily in the kitchen window at me whenever I was at the sink. (Is there anything better than a window over the kitchen sink? I don't think so.}

The hummingbirds were wild for it late in the summer and early in fall when so many other plants were past their best.

I look forward to having this unusual and fun plant again this year!


Cathy said...

Oh Marianne. . . "It has been a challenging couple of months, and not getting easier anytime soon,.." Honey, no pressure . . I understand if you are reluctant to share your troublelesom issues. I hope things resolve comfortably with time.
Hugs from the Wilsons

Denny144 said...

Hope the plant is successful and we get to see pictures of it.

Shirley said...

I had to biggify that first photo to see the hummer in there. Great capture!
Hope things work out for you soon.
Unexpected gifts are the best!

threecollie said...

Cathy, thank you so much. Email sent.

Denny, I am excited! I loved the one I grew last year.

Shirley, thanks, thanks, and thanks again. It surely made my day!