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Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mother's Day


To all the mothers everywhere. I read that some huge percentage of grown children who buy their first homes set as the most important criterion in choosing a location being close to mom. I agree.

Happy Mother's Day to my own Mommy Owdice who is undoubtedly in Heaven, even if only for putting up with me all those years. That, btw, is what I called her after having been chastised for calling her Alice. (After all, that is what the grownups called her.) After scolding my tiny self, she said I must call her Mommy. Ever one to get my way by hook or by crook, Mommy Owdice it was. (I pronounce things a bit better now, but not much.)

Also to my daughter, Liz, and daughters-in-law (and in heart), Jen and Amber. Thanks for all those lovely grandbabies, who range from tiny and cute to nearly as tall as I and fierce as  small tigers. They are a bright, sassy, bunch and we love them all madly.

To the aunties, too many in Heaven, but a special few still with us, who were moms to me when I needed them and still are...I can't call Mommy Owdice up there near the throne among the clouds, but I can call you when I'm lonesome...and thanks.

And to my sisters-in-law.....I got me some good 'uns!

My own Mother's Day started with rain...no aurora here...and dropping a log on my foot. Fortunately, I wore my boots and lucky bathrobe out to fill the stove so no harm done. It also started with glowing dog's eyes piercing the night and a sleepy Song Sparrow muttering a half-hearted song when the light from my headlamp glanced across the lilac bushes.

All in all, everything I could ask for.

"For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well."

I hope you all have a fine day with special family, coffee and toast in bed if that's your thing, and love, lots and lots and lots of love.

Have a good one.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Dear Mother Marianne . . . . Oh Yes. There IS an aurora around your place this morning. Your glowing dawn has already brightened my morning all the way over here in Ohio. Happy Mother's Day!