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Monday, May 06, 2024

Holding Out

I'm holding out and holding on for Saturday.
Supposed to go on some kind of bird thing  with a friend and I am hoping I get to do so.

The week impending is full of visits to practitioners of the medical arts and working to understand which guy will be doing what thing in conjunction with which other guy doing some other thing. Also when.

It has come to my attention that if I am not involved nobody communicates with anybody else and nobody understands anything. Thus even though I have the worst case of white coat fever on this or any other planet, I am going to have to get these guys talking to one another and talk to most of them myself.

So I am holding out for birds, before, after, and between. They don't  often fail to redirect my mind when it derails as it does, over and over again. The tracks are not something I seem to comprehend these days.

Hope you have a great week. Thanks for reading.


Shirley said...

Hope all goes well.... communication is often a problem these days, even though there are so many ways to communicate. (eyeroll)
Happy birding!

threecollie said...

Shirley, thanks! We are plodding along, hoping things get better some day. Meanwhile, we go birding when we can and much enjoy it. Happy Spring to you!