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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Wild America

The boss took me birding this morning
, the first normal morning trip since his surgery. We checked out the boat launch, where not much was happening, so we went down to Yankee Hill Lock.

There is a little outcrop where I stand to scan the river to the east...you can see quite a way. I spotted some sort of large water bird through the bins, but couldn't tell what it was, so I set out hiking fast down toward the Eagle Trail.

I soon found the bird, which was an immature Common Loon, not a bad find for the river this time of year. Once out on Eagle Trail I decided to try for the Louisiana Waterthrush, which other birders found there last year.

Amazingly I found it right away. It was easily recorded singing and then showed itself right next to the trail. I was peering through the camera, intent on at least a reference photo as it hopped up and down a trailside log. 


A loud, emphatic snort just down the trail was followed by a speedy rustle of leaves. I glanced up.

Good thing, as a large White-tail fawn was racing full-tilt right at my legs. I barely stepped out of its path before it was past, literally inches from my knees, exactly where I had been standing a fraction of a second before.

Right behind it ran its mother.

I jumped into the bushes off the trail. Deer can be pretty fierce and I was between her and the fawn. My life kinda flashed before my eyes. At least Ralph knew where I was as I had just called him to tell him I would be out of sight while I chased the loon.

Fortunately she decided to turn around before she got to me, but she pogoed back and forth through the bushes a few yards away, snorting and coughing and flagging her tail.

My heart was pounding pretty good as I headed back down the trail toward the car park, hoping the fawn had turned off and doubled back.

Eastern Kingbird on Nest

Got some decent pics of the loon, but not so hot of the waterthrush. I wasn't a bit bored though.

There IS a Louisiana Waterthrush in this pic...
that brown blob there


Terry and Linda said...

Thankfully you weren't hurt! My Goodness that was super scary!

Shirley said...

Glad your husband is up to an outing!
Deer sure can be aggressive, even when they don't have fawns present. The will kill dogs with those front feet, wouldn't want to be in the way of that!
The kingbird is back again here this year- and I saw a Baltimore Oriole which must have been passing through, what a delight to see him!

threecollie said...

Linda, it happened so fast I barely had time to be scared, although the adrenaline let down afterwards was something for sure.

Shirley, I really thought I was in for it. It happened so fast, perhaps because I wasn't as situationally aware as I should have been. Then again, that fawn was flying! It passed so close to me that I was looking down at its back as it went by. Glad to see that your cool birds are visiting. I love seeing the orioles! It is wonderful to have Ralph back up to going out and about, although he is still pretty tired. Thanks.