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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Flashlight Fail


Not the boy in question but close enough for government work

Becky discovered some tiny, thumb-sized, rechargeable flashlights a while back and bought me a batch. I always carry one in the pocket of anything I am wearing. They come in handy.

This morning I went out shortly after four with the puppy-duppy to see what we could see...well, actually he was seeing what he could pee-on.

Over by the honey locust tree a large object loomed at the edge of the circle of backyard light. It was silvery colored and looked like a small sack of trash.


Mack stared intently.

Then the thing stood up and stalked off down the driveway.

I trained my tiny flashlight on it.

Which promptly died, dagnabbit. Usually they are dim for a bit and warn me to recharge. This one just conked in an instant.

However, my sleepy brain put the available information together. It was Liz's big silver tom turkey.

There were a few feathers left behind so I think something has been after it and it came to the house seeking safety.

Note to Liz: you can put him in the horse barn and I will feed and care for him, poor guy. I like to hear him clucking and chuckling out there and I don't want the vermin to get him.

Not to me: Charge your flashlights.


Terry and Linda said...

I'm so glad he wasn't eaten! He is a beauty

threecollie said...

Linda, actually that is just a photo I took of a different turkey years ago. I didn't have any of this guy, although I do now. Thankfully Liz put him in the barn last night, so hopefully he will be safer now.