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Sunday, October 20, 2024



Common Mergansers when it wasn't foggy

Despite the unrelenting daily fog, which makes chasing migrating ducks and geese problematic at best, there are compensations.

Jingling White-throated Sparrows make a tambourine of song from the thickets near the house. There are a lot of them this year. I have counted upwards of thirty around the yard, but there are more.

The sun turns the fog pink and gold and makes it pretty with the trees all ink and outline on the lawn.

So, I guess we will wait til the fog burns off and instead of chasing ducks I will see what's in the yard this morning.

I saw him
He didn't see me


Shirley said...

Just catching up on my blog reading, I have been ill and wasn't inclined to go on the computer. Looks like you are setting in for the cold weather, and you got some lovely fall colors there too. We pretty much only get yellows, not the reds and oranges.
Have you ever tried making green tomato mincemeat? It's my favorite way to use up green tomatoes.

threecollie said...

Shirley, I am so sorry that you were sick! I hope you are feeling much better. I like the idea of the mincemeat. My mom used to make it and can it. I don't really can much. I wonder if you can freeze it. I will have to look it up. We have had spectacular color this fall, which has become fairly unusual in recent years. We have been enjoying them imensely.