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Saturday, February 01, 2025

About that Birthday


Becky wanted nothing more expensive than a peaceful day in the car, listening to podcasts, resting, and escaping from the busy of normal life.

Otsego Lake

As is not unusual, I wanted to chase good birds, so we combined the two, with the added attraction of inviting our good friend Kris along.

The boss drove. He is a great birding driver, as he knows just how to put you on the bird you want to see. He did a great job of just that all day. Kris found me a Merlin, which I needed for my 2025 county list, plus we found Savannah Sparrows, also FOY for me.


We started out in Cooperstown, getting the American Coots, and assorted other wildfowl that congregate there to take advantage of the open water provided by the bubblers that protect the docks. Coots are uber cute! It was great fun to watch them striding, all big-footed and funny, over the ice, and to listen to their squeaky-toy peeps and chirps.

And more fish

We tried a number of other good spots over the course of the day, seeing everything from the Merlin to a number of daytime Short-eared Owls.

The boss suggested we drive up into the Van Hornesville fish hatchery. We had driven by hundreds of times over the years, and never entered. What a place! Pool after pool of Rainbow Trout of assorted sizes, throngs of the creatures, circling and swirling madly. There were hundreds of thousands of them. We were fortunate to encounter some of the staff there, who patiently answered our dozens of questions. I can't wait to visit again in the spring.

An old spring house at the hatchery

Which Kris noticed was occupied

I believe that a good time was had by all...It was a great way to spend someone else's birthday. lol. Thanks Becky, Ralph and Kris.

The massive spring that feeds the fish pools


Cathy said...

Oh Marianne . . your life... family . . friends . .. and that patch of heaven that you are able to travel within as you explore nature's wonder. Oh my... oh my . .

threecollie said...

Dearest Cathy, as I look back on my life, as folks our age are wont to do, I begin to realize just how abundantly I have been blessed. I am working on adequate gratitude for the people I have been privileged to know, the adventures I have been served, and all the wonderful sights, sounds, tastes, and other sensory experiences that have come my way. There have been plenty of challenges, but overall life has been amazingly good. Hugs to you and Keith