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Showing posts with label Not Punishment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Not Punishment. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Out Behind the Barn

Brown Thrasher

Last summer the boss bought a back blade for the tractor. The latter has been in the shop for a bit getting some hydraulic issues fixed up, but now it is home and the implement has been implemented.

Eastern Wood Pewee

Meanwhile I have been beyond frustrated at the circumstances surrounding trips up the hill to the fields. The grass was higher than my head...in the road. Ticks being what they are, for the past three weeks or so I have not been able to visit the Bobolinks and Savannah Sparrows up back.

Baltimore Oriole female

However, this week with high hopes for actually getting some dry hay the boss went over the main farm road the past couple of days. Although it is still a bit swampy in the spots where there is clay, it is at least possible for a short person to navigate to the 30-acre Lot without encountering too much grass.

The first walk yesterday, besides offering at least 10 pairs of Bobolinks in the 30-acre Lot, with plenty of Red-winged Blackbirds too, also yielded three pairs of Eastern Meadowlarks. I can't remember ever seeing more than one or two individual birds here on the farm and then only during migration. The Brown Thrashers are finally back as well, although the pair that nests in the rose bush next to the long lawn seems to be absent.


Best bird though was a Yellow-billed Cuckoo calling from behind the barn this morning when I was out with Mack. As soon as dogs were done and I gulped a swallow of first coffee I hustled out there and stood in the newly worked up road hoping to see him.

But no, he had moved along. However, below is a little video clip of a few of the birds that were singing. I am so excited about early mornings now. The Farm Side is done and submitted so I can get out early and go out on the hills...up behind the barn. 

You will need to turn your volume up, as this is recorded with my camera. Sorry about the motor noise.