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Showing posts with label Solar Eclipse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Solar Eclipse. Show all posts

Monday, April 08, 2024

Eclipse Frenzy

Black-capped Chickadee collecting cattail fluff

Or lack thereof.

My only concern about this massively-hyped event is whether the children in my life, both mature and otherwise, have sense enough not to look at it.

Otherwise, meh. I've seen eclipses before. They fall under the heading of kinda cool but not this cool

I guess I will do a bird list or two while it is going on, just to say that I did...

Speaking of birds. Suddenly things are happening. After what feels like weeks of constant north or northwest winds, I could smell the woodstove yesterday. Yeah, a little breeze from the South. We scored four new species for the year in-county yesterday, a Pied-billed Grebe, a Red-shouldered Hawk, some Swamp Sparrows, and the first twittering flutter of Tree Swallows during our travels. I think we found some new ones out of county too, but I don't keep very close track there.

This morning at 530 one or more American Woodcocks were going crazy dancing over the backyard, while the sky turned crystal and orange against the dark blue of almost-dawn. Then the robins, cardinals and assorted sparrows tuned up and drowned them out. It was beautiful but frigid.

I am hoping to see some more goodies today, as the maps are starting to light up a bit.

Oh, and American Robins appear to be building a nest on the pillar on the sitting porch. Yay, just as it gets warm enough to actually go out there, they will start clutching their pearls and gasping in horror every time I go out the door.

Anyhow, keep your eyes OFF the prize today, and have a great day.