Yesterday Peggy, her mama, and I went walking out over the hills. There was plenty to learn. Our wee guide showed us deer tracks, with much discussion over whether they were fresh or old and dried out.
Deer tracks
Some were fresh enough that there were deer at the end of them, two obliging creatures that jumped across the farm road right in front of us.
When you are not tall enough to see the deer over the grass
She delighted in the hundreds of Red Admiral Butterflies that were using the road as a place to meet singles and party.
She learned to "pish" birds and called out three Song Sparrows and an American Robin all by herself.
There was an Indigo Bunting. Then she planted Cottonwood Trees, after she and her mom found a twig loaded with them lying in the road. Tip...if you shake such a twig with great vigor and enthusiasm the little floaty seeds...summer snow so to speak...will fly off and float away.
Planting cottonwoods...see the fluff?
And then we gathered rocks. The road to the 30-acre lot is full of pretty stones so the kitchen counter is covered with them. Kudos to Liz for being willing to fill her hoodie pockets with enough to weigh down a full-sized hot air balloon....and then some. Alas, long before we were ready to come back down it rained. Again. We had to scurry.
Painting something in colors you hate for someone you love. Pink and purple are two of my very least favorite colors. However, they are all that and a bucket of rice for Peggy. So...we went to Wally World and bought five and a half tubes more shocking pink paint than was needed and one of purple to paint this coat hook for her. It is something we bought so long ago that we can't remember where we got it but it is perfect for what is needed. Peg is a very good girl about hanging up her coat, but she can't reach the pegs in the pantry. On Christmas Eve or thereabouts this will be installed down at her height so that will no longer be a problem. Can't wait.
"When is the bus going to come, Grandma?" "Pretty soon, honey. We had to come down a little early because grandma is kind of slow, but it will get here." Grandma, there's a crocodile in the ditch. It's a big one." Don't worry honey, "i'll call Tine."
What's he gonna do?" "Well, first he'll toast it and then when it's all crunchy he will eat it." "Ooh, good....Grandma, there's bees...." "Tine will get them too. He likes em. Nice and crispy. Oh, look, here comes your bus!"