Nope. Not.
Just too gloomy and doomy today to bother.
I am one of those silly SAD people and it is snowy (!) and grey and unpleasant and the plague has me staying home providing child care instead of birding.
On top of that the knowledge that I have nothing to complain about, being well-fed, as healthy as I was pre-plague, living in a house with huge windows, maximizing available light, and able to get outdoors even at home, plus having a wonderful child for whom to care, makes me feel guilty about feeling gloomy.
You know, that Irish guilt syndrome and all. My great grandfather, Lawrence McGivern came over from the Ould Sod as a boy and I knew him as a child, so the ties to the green are strong.
Anyhow, instead of the dark green Henley and the green plaid flannel I had saved back for today, I grumpily went with grey Henley and orange plaid flannel.....with a black sweatshirt on top.
Take that plague!
In my defense I long ago gave up on St. Patty's day as far as good times are concerned. When we were kids we ALWAYS missed school because we had measles, mumps or rubella. Or the creeping crud. Or the galloping zook as my old boss at the veterinary clinic where I worked in my youth used to call it. The kids were always home sick too. March is a terrible month for seasonal contagions and always has been.
So here I sat at my computer, thinking about working on the story I started in lieu of my old job, listening to a cardinal wearing his heart on his song, when I happened to glance down.
And by Jove, I am in fact wearing green. Becky did my fingers with nail wraps for the High Kings concert last month, in green, and blue, and white with glitter. Kinda like an ocean wave breaking on pink sand. I liked them so much that they are still there.
Huh, whaddaya know....
Hope you are all well, and finding what you need, and able to remain as calm as possible under the onslaught of scary information. And that the luck of the Irish smiles upon you whether you are or whether you aren't.
Betcha can't listen to this without a smile. I sure can't.
Of Childhood
2 hours ago