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Showing posts with label TheDuckFairy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TheDuckFairy. Show all posts

Sunday, April 02, 2023

Second March

Kinda like second brakefust only a lot less fun...

Woke up at 2AM and 3AM to the winds of the damned. Impossible to sleep. And then I did for a bit during a lull, to the tune of terrible, all-too-real nightmares that rivaled the evening news for horror.

Ugh. (BTW, I see from my FB memories that ten years ago today we had pretty much the same weather. Also it is Mule Day.)

Yesterday felt like spring, (after the daunting rains got done). It got warm so fast that I watched fog roll up off a cornfield and then dissipate in real time, maybe five minutes worth. Crazy and nothing I had ever seen before. I found two first-of-the-year birds too, Northern Shovelers in Schoharie County and a Belted Kingfisher in Montgomery. I was even able to photograph a Pileated Woodpecker and record it calling and drumming. Cool

Then came the night. More wind-driven rain and then wind, wind, wind. You can't go from almost 70 to the twenties without some drama. Today it is just cold and kinda grim. I didn't even go down to the river when Ralph took Becky to work. Too darned tired and drained.

However, on the bright side...and there usually is one...someone left me a micro-duck on my new reading device that Becky handed down to me yesterday (she hates it, I like it). It can sit on my thumbnail with room to spare. 

It is an adorable little thing, although I am somewhat afraid it might grow up to be a Yakushima Rain Duck and Lord knows we don't need any more of those! I have an idea who may have left it here to gift me nearly immeasurable cheer, but I could be wrong.

Maybe it was the duck fairy instead!