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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Another Day

Come, walk with me

The corn lilies we weeded out of a friend's garden and tossed down along the driveway in hopes they might grow are thick and green and thriving.

Up in the Heifer Pasture

Commotion up in the horse yard. Killdeers going crazy. I walked up in case a varmint was pestering them. The male was swirling up and down in Sunny's yard. Then the female came by carting a neatly cut-off egg shell in her beak. She dropped it and went back to the nest. 

Watch out for the Widow Makers

 Hatching I'll bet.

Much twittering in the chimney at frequent intervals. Sounds like hatching there too.

Watching me, watching you

Baby Tufted Titmice begging frantically on the feeder.

Asparagus Stonehenge up in the yard. Another day, another dinner.

Fence man
Following the boss up fencing. Felt like the Secret Garden with the wind buffeting us wildly. All we needed were some moors.

House Wren...check

 We all swim in our own river, just like the fish in the Mohawk. However, our river is a river of air, flowing through the trees, around the rocks and across our faces. Today it is straight out of Canada, cold but as sweet as spring water and good to breathe. You can almost see its outlines; it is so darned vigorous.

The gentleman in the video below was following me from tree to tree and singing up a storm....maybe he was conjuring up that wind...I don't know....sorry about the shakiness....

Last Frost?

Bought this pink lilac when the kids were small and we lived in town
Moved it up here and it is going ok

Maybe...maybe not. However, temperatures in the high twenties are forecast for tonight into tomorrow morning. They had been predicting forties, but the feel in the air last night said they were going to be way off. You can feel a frost coming if you pay attention and believe your senses.

Thus last night the boss and I brought the trays of tender annual flowers and vegetables in off the sitting porch ...which by the way has been rearranged to allow at least one more person to sit out there.....plus all the shabby old geraniums I put out to call the hummers to the feeders.

They are pretty ratty, but I grew most of them from seed and I keep them going, winter after winter, just for something green around the house.

Nothing permanent is planted out, except a few snapdragons the kids bought me for Mother's Day, and onions, carrots and beets. I'm hoping the Candy Onions can take the cold. Never grew them before, spent a lot more money than I normally would for sets, and with the long dry spell it was a real struggle to get them going. 

Shame to lose them now. I will cover the snapdragons.....

Anyhow, even though it has been in the eighties for the past ten days to two weeks, we know better than to trust upstate weather in May. Brrr.....

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Speaking of Rock Stars

 Guess I married one. Look what the boss brought me yesterday from the heifer pasture.

He was out building fence.

See how this weird concretion of honey-combed limestone seems to have flowed down
over the granite boulder in the center?

I have admired, nay, lusted after, this rock for years and years and years. ....some folks like diamonds...for me it's field stone every time. However, as you can see from the distant shot of the skid steer bucket, it is HUGE! And it was all the way at the back of the heifer pasture at the top of the hill behind the hill in yesterday's middle photo (see previous post).

Note the odd shelf around the bottom,
as if the stone sat in the bottom of a limestone cave or something

I never even asked. It wouldn't have been fair to expect someone who works so hard to bring me something so difficult...just for fun

Thus when he came down yesterday and sent me out to see what he had brought me I was thrilled. This an amazing hunk of landscape. Now to decide where to put it.

Thank you!!!


Used to be I was the only one in the house who would eat it.

The volunteer plant by the back door was adequate to keep me happy, but I planted a little bed up in back anyhow. It somehow survived years of barely noticeable care......

Then Jade and Liz moved in. He liked it. She had always hated, it but when she was expecting Peggy it turned into one of the few things she could eat. So that made three.

Last night I picked and cooked a little batch. Becky took a taste and lo, another convert.

Good thing Jade found out from my uncle, who has always grown it, how to use the rototiller and lawn mower to rejuvenate that little patch I planted. He counted at least forty new spears popping up after I picked.

Will this little rock star like asparagus too? Only time will tell

Good thing we have lots of butter.

Monday, May 11, 2015


I rarely dare wish for rain...except for it to fall on friends in distant states where it is always dry.

Over the past twenty odd years a local pattern has emerged wherein all too frequently it begins to rain sometime in late spring or early summer, and just never stops until the whole region is under flood watches and warnings for weeks on end. Crop work is impossible.

It is dangerous to wish for that. However it has been abnormally dry for several weeks. Wild fires have started all over the area, many of them caused by people who feel they are above the law and the burn bans, and things had kinda stopped growing.

We were watering garden every day, not a cheap deal with the amount we pay for our water. I finally began kind of carefully hoping for just a gentle overnight rain to get things growing.

Last night we got it and you should see the green we woke up to!

It is like a pirate's treasure box out there, with gold from the Gold Finches, rubies from the Cardinals, and miles of emerald in every field and roadside. No Oz glasses needed.

Alas, we are predicted to get some of the less welcome sort of rain this afternoon, with violent thunderstorms and heavy rains predicted.

Last night was nice though. 

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day

Love you mama.....

Sunday Stills.....Danger



I had big plans for this week. Everywhere you look on a farm there is danger. Unfortunately planning is as far as I got....so these are from the archives. Sorry.

For more Sunday Stills.....

Saturday, May 09, 2015

Syvilagus Standoff

Who's that I spy nibbling my greenery?

Do I know you?

Stranger! Oh, noes, Oh horrors!

Out, out, damned spot! I was here first!

Or...Showdown at the Long Lawn Corral.....do click for enbiggenment

"Blue" Birds

I hiked all over the farm to count Brown Thrashers,
only to have a pair show up on the long lawn the next day

We are not used to being so warm...or maybe it's the pollen...or maybe we are still not over the bug, which has laid Liz low....but anyhow, we are all so tired these days.

Thus I was nodding over a WEB Griffin book when the boss exclaimed, "Look, there are two Bluebirds on your Hummingbird feeder!"

"What! Huh?" I was suddenly wide awake, but more than slightly skeptical.

However, he was insistent that there had been a pair of Bluebirds drinking from the feeder...I have two now, as he bought me a wide-mouth, easy-clean one for Mother's Day (two new pond lilies too, lucky me, lucky me.)

I got up to see these wonders but they were of course gone....

Oh, well....... I wondered.....what could have been there? Hmmm....

Went out to the kitchen to get a drink and there on the blue feeder was an Indigo Bunting!

How cool! How EARLY!!! How awesome!

How glad I was that he can see the feeder from his chair and that he woke me up.

Liz is still struggling with what seems to be pretty bad pneumonia....maybe if she actually got some rest, but someone is a compulsive worker....anyhow, thanks for all your kind words, thoughts and prayers. I know they help! A Happy Mother's Day to all of you who are mothers. 

A good little dairy farm girl...this one loves her milk already

Friday, May 08, 2015

Good Thoughts Please

Peg brought home a really nasty bug from an Easter party last month. Some of us caught it. Some of us didn't.

Those of us who did were nasty sick....can't hardly work, dizzy, fever, horrific cough sick. Peg shrugged it off in a week or so, myself much more slowly, but I am pretty much over it....the boss still sounds like a TB ward, but he is back to work like a trouper.

However her mama went to urgent care last night and discovered...to the surprise of none of us...that she has pneumonia.

Poor kid. She works so hard and takes care of the baby and cooks and all, been working a lot on the garden, and she's allergic to maple trees, which doesn't help a bit..... I guess she just got run down and ended up real sick. She even had to get a shot...she is allergic to a whole bunch of antibiotics so they have to be careful....so hold good thoughts if you would. She was at least allowed to come home but she sounds.....well.....lousy.

Thursday, May 07, 2015


You know how I mentioned that trees are a renewable resource? That was really driven home yesterday when I went up with the boss fixing fence in the heifer pasture. 

Although we call it that, for the past ten years or so we ran the milk cows up there at least part of the time. Last year we sold the herd ...And all that summer there were only four in a pasture that formerly fed sixty. Now we only have two old milk cows

Right now, those two old girls, Bama and Moon are still in the barnyard on hay. Although they know where they belong, the fence must be repaired in case a storm or hunters or something else panics them and they run where they don't belong.

Anyhow, I went out with him to see if I could spot the Brown Thrashers that are around....(check...Bobolinks too.).

All over the top of the hill, to the tune of thousands upon thousands, little Sugar Maple trees have taken root. I swear every samara that swirled down from the old trees since the cows left has sprouted.

With only two cows to turn out there this summer I don't suppose they will be disturbed much.

How long before it is a forest again?

Although you can't see him in this view of the Shagbrark Hickory,
(largest tree, just right of center)
there is somebody up there.

This guy

Wednesday, May 06, 2015


Little oaks from great tree stumps grow.....

A trio of marvelous old trees once graced the entrance to a pair of the farthest back fields on the place. We are believers in hedgerows and old trees and sharing with the wild things, but those beauties grew so huge that it became impossible to get machinery into the fields.

They had to come down; we have to work the land in order to pay the taxes to keep it in agriculture...I hate to tell you how fast this place would be developed if we let go. There have been many offers over the years.....and to eat as well, a habit of which we have grown quite fond. 

Years ago they did, recycled into firewood, which is a truly renewable resource. Oak is slow to dry, but long to burn.....

Just how renewable trees are was made clear when Alan took me all the way to the back of the land on Sunday. It had been a while since I had been back there. It is a very long walk and I am slow. No saddle horses any more, and only one tractor, which is usually in use.

I was amazed to see that the two oak trees on the southern side of the gateway had resprouted. One is not going to amount to much, just a witch's broom of random twiggery.

However, the other one has thrust up a whole new trunk and branches right out of the heart of its parent tree. It isn't as easy to see as it might be, but if you look closely you can pick out the muscular young oak springing from the stump of the old tree.

That's tough!

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

The Good Earth

This garden is on its third year from the scooping and poop piling stage.
You can see it below after Jade put it up in beds and Liz planted part of it. It had Zucchetta the first year, beans and peas last year, and this year onions and probably carrots.

There is pretty good land around here. Not all of it, but a lot. our front fields are slate, which is good stuff, the back clay, which is not so much. We make our garden beds over about two years. First the boss scoops out  the weeds and such with the tined rock bucket on the skid steer. Then he applies rotted cow manure a good foot deep.

Before Jade came, I planted it to squash or some other coarse, heavy-feeding plant the first year and then raked it off and grew whatever I wanted to in subsequent years.

Now Jade rototills it and kicks up raised beds or lays out flat places. Badda bing, instant garden.

Yesterday, the boss skimmed off an old garden I made the hard way...with a shovel and spade....when we moved up here. I had given up on it. Huge nettles and millions of reed canary grass rhizomes made it impossible to care for. We made quite a discovery while taking out the old fence and leveling the ground. 

Everybody gets in the act. This is a new bed Jade made where the old apple tree had to come out.

The telephone pole that feeds the house has been leaning a little for several years. At the base, where it had been hidden by a gigantic wild rose bush is a gigantic woodchuck warren, going right down the pole into the ground!

No wonder!

He called the power company as soon as we came back in the house. Don't know if they will do anything about it but.....

Some of the Candy Onions Liz put in. We ordered them in December
and finally got them late last week, in a totally crushed and open box. I think they will grow though

Anyhow, here are some of the gardens we are using.

The bed pictured on top two years ago just after the first frost nailed the Zucchetta

Monday, May 04, 2015

The Catbird Seat

After a busy day yesterday...the kids got a lot of the garden ready, onions planted, and chores done, and the boss sold a little hay....he and I sat out on the sitting porch enjoying the evening.

It has been closed up for many months with plastic and heavy fabric over the door and it is a real treat to get out there and listen to the birds and watch the moon rise. I spend time out there every day, as it is a good place to monitor who's back from the far south and I am picking up new arrivals almost every day.

We were talking quietly when I heard a faint call coming in from the south end of the old horse pasture...I listened as it came closer and closer. Sure enough....

First Catbird of the year... It was pretty cool to actually hear him approach. This morning there is no sign of him, so he may have moved along......Whenever the ones that nest here return they will find plenty of grape jelly and oranges, as did the Baltimore Orioles that showed up on the feeders yesterday.

Our big brown bat is back too. I hope he stays outdoors!

Ren, the big, pink dog

Sunday, May 03, 2015

Attempted Hay Napping

Bad Moon Rising

Or, Curses! Foiled again!

As you may know, we sold the cows last year and changed our focus to making hay. Hay is not nearly as much fun as cows, but there is at least some potential to be able to pay the taxes and such at the end of the year.

In fact, it has been pretty good to us so far. The boss makes good hay and has had a lot of repeat customers.

Anyhow, big loads we sell out of the barnyard, but thanks to the driveway being more of a guideline than a rule, if people only want a few bales he takes it down to the bottom by the road and loads them there.

Yesterday he loaded out hay pretty much all day. Last load was just a little one to a new customer, so he put it in the skid steer bucket and took it down to wait. 

First an Amishman pulled up and offered him a little more than half what we are selling it for and was quite put out not to get a discount. 

Then, just as he was pulling away, some guys in a green pickup truck pulled a 180, spun into the driveway, jumped out of the truck, and headed for the skid steer.

Now, the boss is a man of average height and he piles the hay pretty high on the bucket. It's a white Bobcat and he was wearing a white tee shirt..... So I guess you couldn't see him all that well.

Anyhow, those good old boys walked right up to the hay before he said quietly, "Can I help you fellows?"

I guess they didn't even leave tracks getting back into that truck and peeling away.

We lost a few bales earlier this winter when the boss tried leaving a few at the bottom while he went up for more. I wonder if he found the culprits......

Anyhow, we had a real good laugh at their expense. 

Two Weeks

Upland Sandpiper
What a difference they make. Alan took me for my first ever quad ride two weeks ago before he went to DC. Things were pretty brown and there were very few birds around.

Today we did some of the same route, plus the east side of the farm, the portion known as the Dimond Farm, (spelled right...a local name) as that is who owned it before we did. There was such a change.

Green everywhere. Pink lipstick on the distant maples. Green lace in all the treetops.

Birds everywhere. The Savannah Sparrows are back...or at least a few of them are. Dozens of Red-Winged Blackbirds were staking out territories, and Song Sparrows galore.

We saw a pair of Upland Sandpipers.

There were deer on the move...still shaggy and grey, but nice to see.

It was great to see the land all dressed up and ready for spring. So different from two weeks ago when it looked more like October than April.

Here's a list, in no particular order, of what we saw on our ride, not including the birds that frequent the backyard.

Canada Goose
Mourning Dove
White-throated Sparrow
Red-Winged Blackbird
Northern Cardinal
Tufted Titmouse
Song Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow
American Robin
American Crow
Common Grackle
Northern Flicker
Brown-Headed Cowbird
Upland Sandpiper
American Turkey
American Goldfinch
European Starling
Blue Jay

I also heard what was no doubt a Brown Thrasher, but it was far down in the woods and I wasn't positive. Thought I heard a Ruffed Grouse, but it only called for a second.

All in all a lot of fun. If at any moment I had croaked I would have died really happy.