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Sunday, July 30, 2006

Buying a new car

Actually that is kind of a misleading title. I was really just doing research online in order to do a better job of buying a USED vehicle for our second daughter to drive back and forth to college.

Anyhow, I stumbled across this article and was stunned and kind of shamed to see how easily we fell for some of the ploys used by car salesmen to suck in innocent buyers. (We drive a beat up old '94 minivan that we bought new from a dealer who used several of the tricks described in this story to get a few extra bucks from us.)

I will know better next time. You can too if you take time to read this admittedly long article.


Anonymous said...

Well, you know what I'd recommend! :)

(Okay, kidding aside...)

I'd honestly (and don't hate me for this) recommend a Honda of some flavour.

I have several mechanics as friends and they all drive and recommend them themselves.

I'm sure some may differ... but they seem the most reliable and efficient.

...oh, and remember, Honda's are (for the most part) assembled in North America... so you're not truly buying a "foreign" car. If in doubt, ask the dealer.

Anonymous said...

Aha! So THAT's who's been robo-calling me every other evening... Saturn!!

Thanks for this article.

threecollie said...

Matthew...we have given them some thought as they do have quite a good reputation. she does need a 4WD as our driveway is terrible.

nyco....hope it turns out to be helpful. Wish I had come upon it sooner.

R.Powers said...

Wow, how timely. I am doing exactly the same thing...searching for a used car for Kate to start her college commuting this month.

threecollie said...

Hey FC, welcome back! We are incredibly lucky to know a guy, the fellow we bought our outdoor stove from, who also finds cars for folks. He found Liz's Dakota for us, good price, nice truck. I was just trying to decide what to suggest to Beck. She doesn't know what she wants really. We are thinking maybe a Durango so I was looking up the safety stats and stumbled on edmunds.com where this article was.

Carina said...

Oh wow, I read that a few years back! It's really entertaining.
Buying a car through a dealership is a nastier experience than having a root canal, I loathe it. Last car I bought from a dealer was my truck new in 1995 and I'm sure I paid too much, although it's been rock solid and dependable & I still drive it almost daily.

threecollie said...

Hi Carina, I can't really complain about ours either, but I recognized the money grabbing tecniques for sure.