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Sunday, September 17, 2006

Another hazy morning

This picture of the water garden was taken a few weeks ago, but it still looks much the same. Hoping for some sunshine later for Sundae on the Farm.


Anonymous said...

If I could ever figure out a way to stop the Rottweilers from frolicking in my little backyard pond, it would look like yours...!

threecollie said...

Hi Carina, I am laughing at that one. That is the reason I put mine in a raised tub (that and not wanting to work on it with my head lower than my ankles). The BCs, despite their reputation for intelligence, haven't discovered it yet or I would never keep them out of it. I don't let them go anywhere near it.
Cats are another story. Several of them have encounted the "unexpected bathing" phenonmenon when attempting to catch my big gold fish. It messes up the plants a bit, but they rarely come back for a replay.