Alan and his show cow, Bayberry, who is used to kids using her as a portable seat.
Of Childhood
6 hours ago
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Life on a family farm in the wilds of Upstate New York
LOL!!!!!! Cute picture and very cute title, too!
By the way, are any of your kids going to take over the family farm someday? I see so many farms closing or selling out to housing developments around here (New Hartford). It's a shame that youngsters are foregoing their family's farms for things like "computer science" or "financial accountant" jobs. Thank God for the farmer!
You may have an idea for an avante garde urniture design.
That would be furniture...
Hey think we can get him to milk her? She don't like me...
I wonder what the matching foot stool for this cowch looks like?
The only problem with those cowches is it's hard to lay down and get comfy!
Too funny!
Thanks mrs. m, they grew up sleeping on calves at the fair....the calves get pretty fond of their owners and love to have them sleep on them. He thought of the title.
And we hope one or another of them will. Actually two of them want to, but they don't get along all that well together. We are really just hoping that we can hang on through this spell of low milk prices and high fuel and feed costs so it is here for them to take over.
Jan, someone actually did market something like that a few years ago, but I don't think they used live cows.
Breezey, you know he does if he is there
FC, good question, if they are at the show they just could use another cow
Laura, they get so tired at the fair that they lie right down on the cows and fall asleep. Of course, kids can sleep anywhere. Personally I take a chair along and sleep in that. lol
Laurie, thanks
Remember old Dixie? She was so good about being a living, preheated bed it was so nice.
Me? I think, personally the best "cowch" of all time in Mandy. she never moves, of course i'm so sophisticated I don't admit my preferace for cattle as furniture... unless it's leather. please don't hurt me...
That is so cute!
Thanks, cubby
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