For those of you, who, like me, don't watch 60 Minutes, here is the transcript of a show on Rick Berman, AKA "Dr. Evil", a lobbyist for the other side of the food-as-societal-scourge and deadly -poison-that-will-kill-you-if-you-eat story. Even if you don't agree with him he is pretty entertaining. As someone who makes a living (sort of) selling a food product, his ideas are a welcome bit of sanity in a world that seems to have lost all common sense to me.
"I have no problem with education. But, education turns into regulation, you know?" Berman says. "As the government gets deeper and deeper into people's lives, they start to dictate more and more. If a bartender can cut you off for visibly being intoxicated, why won't we get to the point where a restaurant operator is not allowed to let you order dessert? I mean, you could get there."
Nobody wants to see a drunk driver coming at them down the middle of the highway, but I don't think it is time to regulate pecan pie intake just yet.
****Nice sunrise today again...amazing lot of black birds hanging around, grackles, red winged black birds, cow birds and starlings.
Jan 23 Art - Sit Spot #1606 - January 23, 2025
2 hours ago
I don't know about you but i'm not crazy about pecan pie..... Now they start regulating by chocolate intake and I would be VERY upset.
Yeah, well, chocolate is in line right behind pie, so look out. lol
If the government can dictate what kind of fat can be served in restaurants (and it can), the Food Nazis will not stop in their efforts to dictate our entire diets.
Ah, but it's not just diet. They want to tell you who to hire, how much to pay them, how long breaks should be, what you can and can not do in you car, in your home, in your life. Enough already. I love this guy!!! It's about time someone spoke up. If I want a Nanny to tell me what to do, I'll hire one!!!
Sorry, one more thing. They have banned transfat in NY. That means they have to use artifical margarine because transfat occurs naturally in butter. So, even though butter is natural and technically better for you, you can't use it in NY because it contains transfats. Now does that make sense???
Jan, you are exactly right.
Flo, you are right too....and if you did hire a nanny to watch over you, they would regulate everything about that as well.
And I have to laugh at the trans fat thing. That is the same stuff they pushed everyone to use because it was "safer" just a few short years ago. Unreal.
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