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Sunday, April 01, 2007

On Fiery Hill

From inside the house foundation

"White bronze" marker

And old marble stone

We made a trip to the abandoned farm where the boss's mom grew up. Nothing left but the foundation, a lot of brush, a few stones and some realtor's signs. Wish we were rich enough to gather up all these old farms and keep them safe.....

The cemetery is up the road a bit, and may have nothing to do with the farm, but it is very lovely. I especially like the zinc monument... I have been wanting to get up there since we finally got a digital camera to take pictures of it before something happens to it. (Although as it happens someone has done quite a bit of work cleaning up around the stones etc.)

**Photos by Alan


Anonymous said...

Ahh - that's right up my alley - visiting an old cemetery. It amuses me what is considered old here in Montana.

Cathy said...

I love old cemeteries. So much history. So peaceful.

Anonymous said...

It's hard to believe that this real estate isn't gobbled up by people wanting to pretend they are living the agrarian life.

threecollie said...

Hi Karen, my mom is an avid genealogist so I grew up looking through them for names and dates. This one is special to me because it is so near grandma's home farm...they probably knew the people buried here.

Cathy, they are wonderful places to learn and feel close to the past...and peaceful.

Jan, I wish I was rich, because I would buy the place...poor land, but full of history.

R.Powers said...

Good shots Alan!

dmmgmfm said...

I have visited many an old cemetary in my day. Although, as Moos says, ours aren't really that old (here in Montana).

threecollie said...

FC, he said to tell you thanks

Laurie..here it is not unusual to find cemeteries with a Revolutionary War section.. the one across the river where the boss's folks are buried has a circle of graves from that era.

carina said...

Wow. So someone is going to buy the place complete with cemetary?
I also love old cemetaries. I stumbled across one - utterly hidden, not even on a trail, miles from anywhere - in West Virginia many years ago while hiking around. It was completely abandoned, miles from anywhere. I found a tiny little battered toy tin cup in the ground there and still have it.