Sometimes it's arm and chickadee
Of Childhood
1 hour ago
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Life on a family farm in the wilds of Upstate New York
Oh so cutes.
So cool! I'm envious.
So very sweet! Now how did you get that chickadee to do that?!
No way! No way! No way! I had to click on this to believe my eyes. I would give my eye teeth for this experience - Ohhhhh - so sweet, so unbelievably sweet. I'd be so excited I'd tremble and the bird would fly off without the seed.
A fabulous photograph. Up close with nature is just amazing. Thanks for sharing.
Sara from farmingfriends in the UK
NW, come visit...I am just about out of seed, but I am going to get some and you can sit by the garden pond and "try your hand" so to speak
AMWD, last year my son and I spent a lot of time standing next to the feeder a la Statue of Liberty until they finally got brave enough to grab a seed. Now they are quite tame and nest on the front porch
Cathy, my grandpa was a chickadee tamer of great patience. We simply followed his example. We have had feeders for years and I am sure that the birds associate us with the food as they demand that we fill them quite stridently. Surprisingly they don't really care if you move around. I used to wait for them to come to me, which took forever. My impatient teenaged son just walked over to where they were sitting on low branches, shoved his hand in front of them and down they hopped!
Sara, thanks for visiting. They are my favorite birds.
You and the bird get an A for participation!
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