Last week was simply amazing. One of the nicest weeks we have ever spent at camp. There were birds and wild animals everywhere, the weather was stunning (except for one incredible downpour). We got to see any number of friends we don't get to spend time with very often. Caught a few fish. Took a lot of pictures...
194 in all plus one video. I only deleted a few when we got home where I could view them on the computer. I don't know what I am going to do with all those photos of ducks, geese kids and sunrises but I will think of something.
We puzzled for days over what these geese were grazing out of the trees until we started to find wild cherries floating on the water. If you click you can see the cherries, but we couldn't from where we were.
This beaver woke me up at 4:13 a couple of days ago, gnawing on a bass wood tree that hung out over the lake right under my bedroom window. It took me a long time to figure out what it was chewing and rolling rocks and splashing around just a few feet from where I was sleeping. I had thoughts of bears and other things more ominous than a beaver, until I heard it's signature somebody-throwing-a-bowling-ball-in-the-lake splash when I shined my flashlight out the window at it.
Then yesterday morning as I was sitting on the porch sipping coffee, taking pictures of the sunrise and saying goodbye to the lake, it swam by about a foot from the porch. Then it disappeared in the trees overhanging the lake. For some reason it climbed up the hill to the outhouse, then thundered down, sounding like a whole herd of deer crashing through the bushes. It proceeded to swim aimlessly up and down the lake. Beavers are certainly interesting critters, but this one seemed to be operating on somewhat less than the prescribed number of cylinders so to speak. It certainly wasn't much afraid of me....or maybe it couldn't see me lurking up there on the porch. It just kept cruising past the porch...over and over again.
Until somebody said, BOO!
This is what happens when you say boo to a beaver
Who would ever believe that you would have geese eating cherries out of trees and beavers bowling under your bedroom window? Plumb amazing!