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Friday, August 24, 2007

Ear tags and disease

Isn't it amazing that the Holstein Association is in favor of national animal ID?
(Well, no, it isn't all that surprising....They maintain a large and lucrative animal database. They make money by identifying animals. Why wouldn't they support it?) It aggravates me to see them pontificate like this no end though. They prey on the ignorance of the general public to make their point of view seem like the right one. I disagree. Pretty strongly, in fact. England has one of the most restrictive animal ID systems in existence. They still have outbreaks of horrific animal diseases. Ear tags don't stop them.

I defy the proponents of NAIS to explain to me how putting expensive ear tags in cows will stop the spread of foot and mouth disease should it come here to the USA. It blows on the wind, flows with the water, is spread by birds, animals, car tires, and people. You could ear tag every domestic animal in the country and it would still do the same thing. Oh, the government says they could find the animals quicker to "do something about it" (read kill cows...the Brits killed a number of herds that didn't even turn out to have the disease. Tough luck for the cows and farmers). Maybe they could find cows faster. However, ear tagging my cows wouldn't do a darned thing to stop the dozens of deer that ramble all over our farm..and the neighbors' farms...and the Amish farms. It won't stop the wind, or the water, the Thruway or the starlings. It won't stop the disease either.


R.Powers said...

That kind of thinking (theirs, not yours) is all very familiar to gun owners. It's the same goofy thought process that assumes gun registration would keep criminals from owning guns.

Now if we could just tag and register each virus particle ...

threecollie said...

Hi FC, yeah, believe me in NY we get the gun control rhetoric in spades... I would like to see the virus tagging as long as they don't make me pay for it. lol

Henwhisperer said...

That's what they really want to do, tag and track every animal on the face of the earth. They think they can totally eradicate all disease that way. I've often wondered how scared one of those USDA goofs might get when they come down with a cold.

threecollie said...

Hi HW, thanks for visiting....as if we didn't have enough bureaucracy to deal with