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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Poor baby



Stacy said...

Awww. I remember paying 50 cents at the fair when I was a kid to go into one of those sideshow tents to see a two-headed cow. It was full grown. It made such an impression on me because one head was definitely dominant and the weaker head was sickly....gooey eyes, mucous draining from it's nose, etc. I felt soooo bad for it.

Cathy said...

Oh, gee. Oh, gee. Do you wonder if perhaps a poor creature like this should be euthanaized? Gee. . . .

threecollie said...

Stacy, we had one once...born dead and not born easily. The vet and I had to do a lot of things I won't discuss here, but it wasn't pretty. I am puzzled how they delivered this calf.

Cathy, poor baby...I am pretty sure that is what will happen.