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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Venison vegetable soup

Italian style (I put in lots of zucchini and parmesan cheese and dump in some Italian seasoning.)


Miss Cellania said...

That looks wonderful! It's too hot here to make homemade soup -but I can't wait til it's cool enough for stuff like soupo and chili and cook-all-day spaghetti sauce.

Joni said...

Looks good but where's the recipe?

threecollie said...

Hi Miss C, it is cool enough here today to wear polar fleece and dream about the furnace...however later in the week we are going to get the heat.

Joni, if you would like I will post it, although I don't exactly HAVE a recipe...more like a guideline.

Stacy said...

That looks soooo good and I'm coming down with Megan's cold....it doesn't have to be chicken noodle soup does it?

threecollie said...

Thanks Stacy, sorry to hear you are getting sick and wish we could share some soup..