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Tuesday, October 09, 2007


For this poor man. SSS****

****Shoot, shovel, shut up


Anonymous said...

Excellent advice!! BTDT

threecollie said...

Hi Lee, I couldn't believe it. The thing was running at him after trying to eat his poor dog. Was he supposed to sit down so it could eat him easier? I dunno....

Deanna said...

My two cents - Maybe someone should keep his dogs safely indoors instead of helpless and chained up if he lives in the wilderness?

threecollie said...

Cubby,that is an issue, but it had already killed a horse and another dog. I have big issues with protecting cougars that come right up to houses. If they stay out in the wilderness eating deer fine. If they come around homes and eat pets, livestock and go after people...not so fine.

Stacy said...

It shouldn't matter if the dog is livestock or not. The mountain lion was in the yard...he wasn't afraid of humans. He'd have come back and then what?

threecollie said...

Thank you stacy...that was the exact thought I had. Once a dangerous predator is habituated to hunting in people's back yards it isn't going to change. According to the story it was approaching the man aggressively. I would have reacted the same way.

Anonymous said...

Good advice. I agree, and I like your way of putting it!

threecollie said...

Thanks, nw, cubby does have a point, but dang, I don't want one of them going after me.