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Thursday, December 13, 2007

How do you spell relief?

Headlights of the girls' truck coming up the icy driveway...home for the night.


Rebecca Mecomber said...

You remember that old commercial? LOL

So glad to hear all is good. Did you get much ice out your way? Very little here... it's snowing pretty good right now.

Paintsmh said...

How i wish i was coming up that darned driveway now!!!!!!!

threecollie said...

Mrs. M, I do indeed. lol...we got a mess of really nasty skidable snow today. They made it home again safely though, although the boss had a real close call with a fool sliding around a corner.

R.Powers said...

I don't know the ice, but I know headlight relief.
It's universal.

threecollie said...

FC, it doesn't stop either as they get older!