Got to go milk, but I'll steal a minute. I had to get Becky last night after milking, which meant driving home after nine. There was no traffic, which was fine. A few yards after we got on Corbin Hill Road, there was this tiny, silvery-pewter colored thing standing on the road side. I passed it, but since there wasn't a headlight to be seen for miles, backed up for a better look. Of course I hadn't brought the camera because it was dark out and I didn't think I would see anything, but it sat quite calmly and let us have a goodly look. It was a little silver eastern screech owl. When Becky stepped out her door to make sure it was all right, as it stayed right there, it fluffed into the air like an impossible cotton toy and ghosted silently into the woods. Beautiful!
(I will not leave my camera at home...I will not leave my camera at home...I will not leave my camera at home...)
****Update-today's "reward birds" for my stormy drive over to Coby were a blue bird that flashed across the road right in front of the car down south of 20. He was simply glowing as he pumped the air.... indigo-cobalt, indigo-cobalt like wild blue neon in motion . Then there was a red-bellied woodpecker in a Norway Spruce on a neighbor's farm as I was driving home.
Of Childhood
7 hours ago
That must have been amazing!
"I will not leave my camera at home. I will not leave my camera at home. I will..."
I tell myself that same thing all the time and yet, I never have a camera with me when I really want one.
It bears repetition: I will not leave my camera at home . . . :0)
I actually throw it in the car automatically, now. I just missed too many interesting shots.
How awesome! I suffer from the same camera problem but I am getting better. However if your eye is always behind a lens you miss something. I have never seen a performance of our school's band because I am always behind the camera. It does take away from the moment. I did sort of catch an osprey in the snowy weather today tho'.
I linked to you in today's post.
Cubby, it simply made my day. I have heard many of them, but only ever seen two
Stacy, yeah, NOW it is in my purse...too late though
Cathy, I actually consciously chose to leave it home, since I usually never leave the house without it...but it was dark. What could there possibly be to photograph.
WR, saw your osprey photo...amazing!!!
Cathy, thanks! That was sweet of you....amazing light grey turkey there too!
Been there done that.
Very cool and I love when you happen to run into screech owls!
FC...guilty, I did, I left it on the desk...on purpose
mon@rch, it was such a thrill to me. I imagine what it must feel like when you band so many owls...incredibly cool!
Two things:
I love this image:
"indigo-cobalt, indigo-cobalt like wild blue neon in motion" Excellent.
2.) KICK ME. PLEASE!!!!!
I forgot my CAMERA. Went on my FIRST walk in a winter woods this year, yesterday. Missed some of the most WONDERFUL shots imaginable. I mean a yearling walking within 20 feet of me. ARGGGGG!
Cathy, first thanks for the kind words....and second, thanks I feel better now. lol I remembered mine today, but traffic was so heavy I couldn't get pictures of the things I wanted to :(
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