Liz started her internship working at another farm today. She is home at night to sleep, but gone much of the rest of the time.
It is going to be a long four months, but we will get through it somehow. Becky is going to grain the cows, working from a list Liz set up. I did it this morning, but I really need to stay and help the boss milk the last few cows as there are two strings going at once on opposite sides of the barn and one person has to hustle to keep track of we decided that Beck can do it. Becky also thinks she can learn to milk Liz's string of milkers so when spring's work starts up the men don't have to come in until the end when the Hell cows need to be milked. I have yet to milk Soir and I simply ain't a gonna.
Driving Beck to college stinks. Frankly. It is too far, takes too much time and eats up my breakfast eating time. She has GOT to get her license. Anyhow with the farm one person down and that person being a real key person posting will probably later in the day for a while...might even get a bit sparse. Time will tell I guess. Liz is having a lot of fun anyhow. The folks who are taking her under their wings are about as nice as they come...and come June she will be back to stay I hope
Of Childhood
10 hours ago
I was like Beck. No hurry to get my license - pretty rough on the chauffeur.
Tell you what: if you're calling them 'Hell cows' . . . man! They must be tough cookies. Maybe it's their names. Soir. Hmmm. Kinda has a dark connotation like 'Fear'.
I guess you can't be surprised when a book named 'Fear' gives you nightmares ;0)
I was 23 before I got my license and took my son with me for the test. Not really how I wanted it, but circumstances, starting with my dad's opinion of me getting a license, made it work out that way.
Sounds like life is going to be awfully busy, but good and full, for you the next few months. Do what you have to and share with us when you can. We'll wait.
Wow, makes you wish you were back in that room from yesterdays post . . doesn't it!
I couldn't wait to get my license. It was too embarrassing to drive the tractor everywhere. My daughter is reluctant to drive also.
She also, like your kids, is worth two hired people. Here's hoping the next four months fly by!
cathy, same here, but I walked or rode my bike or found my own way. Things were different then. You can't have a girl wandering around the way I did. the Hell cows are awful. They jump on me and squash me and kick and abuse me. One of them, Drive, really hurt me last year...bruised some ribs and gave me several days of misery, just because she could
Stacy, I was 20 and scared spitless, but I made it somehow.
mon@rch, Oh, I do, I do, hopefully Liz will get some time off so we can do our morning off rotation once in a while. Four months without one is going to be too long
Nita, farm kids are special aren't they? Liz got thrown in at the deep end at her new place last night. Had to milk 80 cows all alone after having only helped milk them one time. Guess she got it done, but she was pooped when she got home.
Don't those cows want to 'off-load' that milk? I thought they looked forward to being milked.
What's going on in those Bovine brains? AND - how do the fellas NOT get trammeled? Do they fight back?
I miss you Mommy!!!!
Oh I got my license at 16. I drove my dad nuts until he took me there to get it. I didn't have a problem with the driving test as I had been taking the family car out for joy rides on and off for two years before hand. Sounds like things are getting busy around there. We had rain last night, a lot of it! I am not working today because of it, they said that we were going to get cold temps and snow behind it but they changed their tune already. I really think spring is here to stay now. I hope!
Cathy, some of them do...they moo to be milked..and then there are the Hell cows who kick and stomp. They particularly don't like me, probably because they know I am afraid of them.
Tim, I hope spring IS there for you...then maybe it won't be too long before it gets here. lol
Paints, same here kiddo, same here...
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