Here is a silly little thingie one of my delightful aunts sent me. Just hold your mouse button down or click creatively to grow some springy flowers...since the wind is howling a gale, it is about twenty degrees and snow is in the forecast, I probably got more bang out of this than someone who lives in a more reasonable climate might but....but I gotta tell you, this really feels good
Of Childhood
45 minutes ago
It's all a trade off. I have to spend many hours this weekend pulling weeds and digging out the roots.
No killing frost here so nature gets a real head start on us.
That put some spring smiles on my face! I filled my screen with flowers!
Too fun....:0) From the temp today and the snow approaching, it will be June before we see flowers. At least we can imagine what they will look like! It's good to dream. :0)
Steve, Ha! Won't be long now and that season will be with us
Jan, I can't imagine never having a frost...a mixed blessing I suppose.
mon@rch, I had a lot of fun with it!
Deb, same down here, what a miserable day! I think I will take a hot water bottle to bed with me. lol
Oh, it's been so cold, and rainy -- even snow earlier this week! What a great way to look (hopefully) toward spring. Yeesh -- will it ever get here? I'm so looking forward to some warmer weather and the chance to start on my flower gardening.
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