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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Maple season explained

I have been wanting to photograph a wonderful sugar bush we drive through every day, but the road is dangerous and there is no place to pull off. then the boss called me in to see this on TV. This is Steve Savage, "our" maple guy who taps our woods (and lots of others too) and keeps us in sweet, golden syrup. If you have the speed, watch the video. It is pretty cool. If not, the text is pretty explanatory.


Anonymous said...

How great and our sap has been flowing also!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I finally got medium-speed, the video was great. Sugar maples don't grow around here. Thanks for the lesson!

threecollie said...

mon@rch, I am thinking they may have had a good year so far, although this warm rainy weather will be not so hot for them

Nita, I was so tickled that they featured it, and with our own maple guy at that.