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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Road trip...detour

Beaver dam on Goldman Road

One of my favorite swamps

"Get offa my cloud"...these Canada geese are already pairing up and staking out territories


Anonymous said...

"detour"? I love those kinds of trips. I mean when time allows, that is. Seeing as I pretty much never see snow out this way, thanks for getting out into it for these pics!

threecollie said...

Steve, I found two short roads off my main route where the traffic is slow enough so it is physically possible to actually take pictures...the geese were really mad at me and made their feelings known!

Anonymous said...

I can tell the one to the rear is about to do some seriously fierce Goose Fu on you for bothering them.

You have some amazifyingly splendiferous scenery there. Can't imagine how great is looks when it's green.

Keepa snapping, Mare.

threecollie said...

Steve, I am hoping that green shows up pretty soon. Today it is cold...way cold and snowing again with fifty MPH winds. Freezing and yet the cows are expecting me to show up in a couple of minutes....