The animal abuse incidents at this plant have had and will continue to have, far-reaching and ugly effects on the animal livestock industry. When one business allows such transgressions everybody gets a black eye, whether deserved or not.
Thus I was simply tickled pink to find this story central in all the news feeds over the past few days. It puts a better face on agriculture and it is much more the true face than what the HSUS has been putting about about cattlemen and women. Cow water beds have actually been around for years, as have dozens of other kinds of mattresses for cows. A comfortable cow is a functional, productive cow. Thus it is not only kind to make them comfy, but profitable too. There is actually constant intense research done on which beds cows prefer and will use most, as they make more milk lying down than standing up.
We bed with straw (or right now, hay, since our straw guy is out)., but we do have thick rubber mats under some particular cows, which could be described as klutzy and need them. The cows love to be bedded and fluff their own straw up before lying down on it. Our oldest ever cow, Frieland RORAE Ann, who passed away on the farm at just shy of 21 years old, used to stare at me nights....I could feel her eyes just boring into me while I milked, until I ran over and bedded her stall. Then she would lie down with a contented sigh to chew her cud. We always get a big kick out of the way cows communicate with their peons (us). They have the stare of demand down to a science...and you know, after a couple or three decades of living so close to them, I usually can figure out just what they want from me.
Some of them also delight in eating their bedding, which is both hilarious and frustrating. For example old Beausoleil picks her bedding up on her hind leg so she can reach it easily and eats it that way. It is not that she is hungry, as I can toss a chunk of the same old hay up in her manger and she will push it away. It is just a habit she has and there is nothing I can do about it but laugh at her and stay out of the way of that waving leg when I am shaking out her bed.
Of Childhood
57 minutes ago
Interesting. I loved my short visits to New York State. My wife is visiting in New Jersey and New York City this week. I'm glad you came by and left a comment on my site. I have learned a lot by visiting the sites where people chronicle in picture and prose their various interests and occupations. Keep up the good work.
My cow would love a waterbed! Nice to see positive press for the animal industry. We use dry pine sawdust for bedding on rubber mats. We have a mill nearby and have acess to plenty. Straw is extremely expensive here and not always easy to come by. I do use it for my sheep especially now that lambing season is here.
I can just picture in my mind Beausoleil using that leg and eating her straw! Too funny :0)
Have a great day -
I love the way animals "tell" us something. My old milk cow would holler head head off if you were five minutes late in the morning. Pictures, I expect pictures every day now:)
Ohhhhhhhh man, Mare. Your audience is calling!
I agree with LINDA.
When will you find the time??
Hey, aren't human kids the same way (i.e. 5 minutes late)?
p.s. Nice to know the gals are comfy this winter.
Texican, thanks for visiting! I like your blog and will be back to read more.
Deb, they are pretty neat. We have seen them at farm shows. Around here sawdust is real scarce since the saw mill closed. You have a great day too!
Linda, it killed me when the kids' school book said that cows show no emotion. Ha! Pictures will be forthcoming. lol
Steve, I will make time for fun...
It's no wonder that your cows like you so much!
hello. stumbled accross your site. and am enjoying it.
l-i-m, thanks! And thanks for visiting....
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