Enter big sister Becky. She had the money and she hated hauling hay.
And she wanted a new chicken coop so she could have more chickens.
Therefore she bought him the barrel last fall in trade for taking hay to the horses all winter and for building her a chicken coop. I suggested that it would make more sense and be infinitely cheaper to clean out and remodel an existing building, instead of new construction, so that has been the plan.
For the past couple of weeks Alan and I have hauled out ancient harness, an old shop vac, campaign signs from the boss's tenure on the school board, brooders, a seat for a horse breaking fore cart and any number and variety of other trash and junk to make way for this....the ultimate low-cost hen house.
Alan scavenged the door and nest boxes etc. from my old hen house, wire from everywhere it could be found and paint from a long ago project. Lumber came from some we had lying around and parts of the same old chicken house.
Chick Pea, the Buff Orpington hen and Satan the evil-tempered Americana rooster aren't quite sure how they feel about it yet, but reaction is mostly positive. Now we need to find a few more hens and we will reach my ultimate goal in the whole affair...our own egg supply.
I say, I say I say boy, that's a mighty fine hen house. But there's no hens in there. Now you can't call that a hen house if there are no hens in there, can ya boy?
Now I have a plan where we can find some and here's what we'll do...
Are ya with me? I say are ya with me boy?
LMAO... cliche... had to.
Best of luck with that!!!
You're making me jealous, I'm not allowed to have chickens, it's one battle I'll never win (sigh)
I never cease to be amazed at the ingenuity and pioneer spirit alive at Northview.
fred, will give you hens. come and get them. we are getting about 18 eggs a day now. love ya,Mappy
It sounds like you have a win-win situation there. Nice chicken house!
Nice work Alan. I hope they enjoy it.
Steve, you need to talk to the rooster, I'll bet he will go along with your plans! lol
Linda, oh dear...that is too bad. I just love keeping hens. Circumstances made it hard for a while, but now I can't wait until we get a few.
Matt, are you home this week? Or getting on the net at work? And I may just take you up on that and thanks!
Ken, thanks, I am all excited about it!
NYV, I will tell him what you said, thanks
Very nice hen house......all your hens should be very happy and perhaps the new digs will change the dispostion of that rooster :) Glad everything worked out well for Alan & Becky.
Chickens chickens chickens. I want some more chickens...preferably some real pretty ones that are good layers.
I second Ken, it looks like everyone is happy, except Satan.
Deb, thanks, sadly he is going back outdoors as soon as we get some new hens. Chick Pea is a pet and rarely lays any eggs. Satan is an egg eating so and so. lol
Paints, ditto, ditto, ditto
Nita, he is such a stinker we will just let him put up with the inconvenience. lol
Ah, chickens. Love the eggs, hate the layers. There's just something about their musty smell, their constant pecking, and their temper tantrums. . .
My husband built a "chicken condo" shortly before a fox caused the demise of all our chickens. It's too bad I can't fed-ex it to you.
We had an evil rooster named Satan once. Now Vader is the evil ruler of the banties.
Raising country kids, thanks for visiting and for taking time to comment. Love your blog btw.
Sorry the fox got your hens. We have a lot of varmint problems too...and I am hoping Alan has the building buttoned up enough to keep them out.
FC, yes, I have seen Vader..you have really pretty chickens. Satan really isn't all that bad except for the egg eating business. Becky named him.
****sigh***** I am so jealous.
It occurs to me that one of the unsung pleasures of country living is the fun of getting to come up with monikers for all the critters and livestock :0D
Mrs. M...sorry, hope you get your own someday..
Cathy, that is a good part of the fun of having them. Beck has already named the new hens we got this week. lol
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