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Friday, August 22, 2008

Moose like sprinkers too.

HT to Windyridge who saw it first. I found this video too amazing to pass up


Jeffro said...

Mom and the kids at the pool!

That was too cool. I've seen (cattle) calves kick up their heels, but never the moose variety!

Trapper Creek Daughter said...

Ha ha! Very funny video...never seen moose playing in a sprinkler before!

Is that Leanne Wolmack?

threecollie said...

Jeffro, I couldn't believe my eyes when I watched it.

Aussie O, me neither and I never imagined that they would do such a thing...I dunno who the song is. I will ask the kids

threecollie said...

Aussie O, I asked the country music guru (Liz) and she says it is Allison Kraus

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, wonderful! I watched with both smiles and tears. If only today's human mothers had as much patience and affection for their young ones, and if only today's children could play as freely.....

threecollie said...

NW, wasn't it sweet! Although I would be immensely uncomfortable if there were moose that large in my back yard. I have been thinking of you a lot lately and kinda missing you. Hope things are going okay in your very busy life.