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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Some errands then home again, home again jiggitty jig

Alan and I went to Fort Plain yesterday to get barn calcite, hydrated lime, chicken feed, vacuum pump oil, beet pulp, bicarb and bread (the only thing that was actually for people.) We saw a lot of traffic of the sort in the photo below. It is scary how hard these are to see from behind if they are out on the highway and pass under a shady tree. they are supposed to have the big orange triangle slow moving vehicle signs affixed to the back so you can see them, but they just use a little orange tape instead. We hustled to get home because I wanted to say good bye to Liz who went to Syracuse for a rodeo. Just made it.

The home again part is always nice. I am no traveler. My folks invited me to go west to pan gold with them this fall and I turned them down.....actually though, I would have taken them up on that one, I am just crazy for treasure hunting and they are going to my utmost favorite national park. However, it is isn't fair to the rest of the crew when I leave them with that much work. My camp vacation is enough for me I guess

Geraniums I grew from seed this spring

Rhubarb leaf bird bath made by my aunt and uncle.
Birds are finally using it now.

And all you knowledgeable gardeners, could you tell me what this flower is? It is the lone survivor of a pack of assorted wild flowers I planted ten years ago or so. It grows down by the driveway and blooms every summer. I am thinking of moving it up by the pond.


Dani said...

I like the bird bath, what a neat idea. Your little flower is called a blanket flower. A wonderful wildflower to have around.

Anonymous said...

Lovely pictures - DH made a collection of those rhubarb leaf castings but they are hanging on the wall, and he didn't paint them. I like the white with the leaf veins accentuated. Birds around here have to rough it and bathe in mud puddles. ;)

I imagine your name would be mud if you went off on a jaunt like that...

Linda said...

We have those blanket flowers growing all over the prairie. I love them. I like the birdbath, I've always wanted to do some just to have around in my flower garden but...........too many other things to do. What kind of geranium? I like the star maverick and zonals for here.

Jeffro said...

It's nice to see something green and growing this time of the year!

There are Amish around Hutchinson - about 150 miles east of here. They all seem to have the triangles on their buggies. Years ago, the flies bothered their horses so much they went with tractors for field work. Now one sect in particular uses little Ford tractors as personal transportation. The Fords have the fastest road gear.

Caroline said...

Your little wildflower is gaillardia or blanket flower. Prairie wildflower, in nursery trade there are several cultivars, "Goblin" and "Burgundy" that I have had good luck with. Check any of the seed catalogues like Parks and you'll find them. Butterflies love them.
Caroline in South Dakota

threecollie said...

Dani, thanks so much for the ID. We had been hoping someone knew

Nita, thanks, those castings are so cool. My aunt and uncle gifted me and my brother each with one last year. I treasure mine so much

Linda, must be lovely to have them all over. It is some kind of salmon zonal I believe...I'll have to look on the packet.

Jeffro, that must be something to see...driving Fords because they are faster. We saw one family yesterday driving an almost white, gaited mule across the bridge.

Caroline, thank you! I will look for them. I had no idea they could be perennial. Most of the ones sold around here are no where near as pretty and they are annuals.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photographs as always! I don't traverse much myself, only for llama shows. Now, I will see you when I visit the fair this week, yes?!!!

Anonymous said...

Fred, nice pictures!! Back in florida. Man that was a long drive!! 1185 miles. Stopped at 9:00 last night, started at 5:00 this morning. Got here at 11:00. Now to get some rest before work tonight.
love ya

threecollie said...

Teri, thanks. Sadly we are not bringing the string to Altamont this year for the first time since the kids were little and in 4-H. We were unable to get our regular trucker as he is out of state that week and Liz didn't feel right having anyone else haul the cows. Just as well, as her best young cow popped up with a leg swollen from hoof to elbow today. Maybe a bee sting...responding to cold water but time will tell. We are going to go over to the fair to visit our cattle show friends so I hope we will get to see you....

Matt, you poor kid! I miss you already. Take care of yourself,
love, your big sister

Charley "Apple" Grabowski said...

I love my patch of blanket flower and I'm always giving plants away. They don't like to be moved, they'll pout for a couple of weeks if they don't get constant water. So this is a good year to move them!

threecollie said...

Apple, thanks for the advice. Now if we move it I will know how to do it right.