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Friday, September 12, 2008

Ethanol too dependent on government subsidies

From the Meatingplace:

One of our farmer friends drove his new car to the Farm Bureau meeting last night. He let me sit in it and it is surprisingly roomy and comfortable.
Is this Smart Car a sign of things to come......?


Anonymous said...

It's comfortable and roomy only until ya gets hitted. Kissing my ankles on the freeway is not something I think I'd enjoy. But it's a good car for dropping the kids off to soccer practice but only if you can strap them onto the roof pretty good.

Windyridge said...

Wow but it's really small.
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Anonymous said...

I have to say I have reservations about the whole ethanol approach to fuel. First of all, a large-scale dairy farmer told me that the whole subsidy thing is nothing more than pork barrel -- welfare for the farming industry essentially -- and that everyone involved knows that's all it is. No serious fuel outcome is expected by any of them he said.

My second concern has to do with what this is doing to food prices. If agriculture will be diverted into fuel, then there will be less food for hungry people. I think the effect is already being reported by aid agencies working in Africa. Is it really the case that some family has to starve so that I can keep a full tank of gas in my Hummer?

threecollie said...

Steve, yeah, it isn't that I want one or anything. Good grief, I drive a Dodge Durango. Lousy gas mileage but LOTS of steel between me and things like deer and WalMart trucks. Still I couldn't resist running outside to grab a quick picture, and when I was offered a chance to sit in it I couldn't say no. We were discussing as we checked it out how very poorly it would serve for the task of bringing hay home for the horses...Liz and I put 22 bales on her little Dakota yesterday. I don't think you could get even one in the Smart car. lol

WR, I went on over and tried to enter...don't know if I actually succeeded or not..

Pablo, I wholeheartedly agree. The stuff is a travesty and an economic disaster.
The only farmers who benefit are the ones who grow corn. Our grain bill went from around 1600 bucks a month to way over 3000 due in a large part to ethanol subsidies (High fuel and fertilizer costs hurt too). Plus our cars and trucks run so badly on gas that is supplemented with the stuff that we have practically cornered the market on dry gas.
Thanks so much for visiting and taking time to comment!

Anonymous said...

not quite the image of a farmer that comes to mind with that car. All the farmers I know either drive pick ups or want to. We pack our minivan full of stuff constantly that would never fit in their!!!1

threecollie said...

MML, it gave us a chuckle, but he likes it. I used to drive a minivan too and I liked it...miss it in fact. We hauled everything in it from calves, sheep, chickens, tools, hay, lumber, camping stuff, you name it...it got the job done.