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Thursday, September 04, 2008

Spending the week catching up

Last night's crescent moon

And recuperating from the fair. The boss is having serious tractor troubles....again. There is talk of trading the White 2-105 in for something that isn't thirty or so years old. It has been leaking hydraulic fluid into its transmission for the past week or so. They have changed seals and pumps and tightened this that and the other thing to no avail.

Liz has most of her fair stuff put away (hallelujah). The little chickens have been moved to the chicken house so the kitchen smells much better although I miss their cheerful clucking. Alan is over his fair food excesses and is eating again. (It was hard to cook with the main eater off line...that corn dog he bought at the carnival caused considerable consternation here at Northview.) After only one week in archery class Becky has gone from putting arrows in the ground in front of the target to nailing the center ring more often then not. Now if only the horrible bruise on her forearm would fade. Her baby brother is going to take her shopping for an arm guard and loan her his compound bow.

Tomorrow the girls and I are venturing to the Vermont State Fair to see Emerson Drive again. I guess that will mark a fitting end to summer for us.

Is the moon dancing or am I just a tad unsteady?


Deb said...

You take the greatest photos of the moon, especially capturing the dancing moon :)
I'm sorry the Boss is having tractor troubles....it's always something isn't it?
You've all had a week for sure - enjoy your concert!

Melissa Hart said...

How long will it take you to get to the Vermont State Fair and how big will the Holstein Open show be...in your estimation?

Throwback at Trapper Creek said...

I love the moon shot, and I think you've been hitting the hard sauce again when no one is looking ;).

Sorry about the tractor, the price of adding more fluid is staggering too, let alone repairing or finding suitable replacement.

Have a great time at the concert!

Trapper Creek Daughter said...

Nice dancing moon! All mine were turning out that way until I finally figured out to use the flash. Got pretty interesting shapes, lol.

Everything is high now, it's hard to buy enough fluids for something that leaks them all out, or repair it.

Have fun at Emerson Drive!

R.Powers said...

Tractor woes ... that sounds expensive.

Freste said...

Sure am glad the moon was moving! I thought it was ME. Ah corndogs, funnel cakes, deep fried Snickers(r), meat on a stick. Mmmmmmmmm.

The White sounds like it wants to follow in the track steps of it's cousins. I'll send ya a pic.

Good luck with the archery stuff. Sounds pretty fun, actually.

Anonymous said...


Linda said...

Uummmm what does Alan want to do with the tractor?
I think Nita is right, what sauce were you in anyway:)

Deb said...

Is it certain she only has a bruise and not a ligament or tendon tear? Archery may sound like a benign activity but it isn't always.

I completely understand occasionally considering pushing tractors over the closest ridge.

Anonymous said...

Have a great time at the concert!! Jen and I enjoyed visiting with everyone at the fair last week. We should get together more often.

Anonymous said...

Hurrah for Liz putting her stuff away. My suitcase is still on the kitchen floor, and the tack room in my trailer is still full of stuff. I forgot I'm supposed to unpack!
And I KNOW the baby chick smell. For sure. Happy that you're happy the chicks are out o' the kitchen!

Breezey375 said...

g- I swear it's just a bruise! It doesn't hurt and it's just where the recurve bow string hit me before i switched to a compound bow!
I love archery!!!!!

threecollie said...

Deb, thanks so much. I have a lot to learn, but I sure am having fun in the process
Thanks for your kind words. I wish he would get the darned thing going. We rely on it a lot

KFW, I believe it is about an hour and a half drive. We don't know too much about the show yet, but it is one of the first things we are going to see if I have any say. I'll let you know when we get home

Nita, thanks, sometimes I wish I really was...hitting the sauce that is. lol, mighty tempting on days like yesterday.

Aussie O, thanks, this sure has been the summer of breakdowns for us...not a good year

FC, frighteningly so

Steve, loved the pics. Best laugh I had all day. Especially the old metal wheeled one....wish we could use it to run over the White, crushing it into grey and black dust....

Alan, does it include explosives? (Love you)

Linda, I think his solution probably involved either dynamite or a one way trip to the river. He does a lot of the mechanical work around here and gets pretty frustrated by it. lol, no sauce, just not so steady hands in the low light.

G's Cottage, it is a really nasty bruise in the soft skin in her arm. She is liking the archery after initially thinking it pretty awful. Sure needs an arm guard though.
And as for the tractors, what a summer. Between flat tires and major mechanical problems it has not been a good year. Thank you for visiting and taking time to comment. I like your blog!

NYV, thanks for the heads up. We probably would have missed it but for your email. It was great to see you folks and we should certainly see each other more. We are terrible when it comes to social stuff. No energy left at the end of the day I guess. The fair about did me in and I didn't even go over that much. It was real sweet of you guys to help Liz load the truck at the end. You can't imagine how grateful I was to find out I could stay home! Take care!

Teri, they are the cutest chicks I have ever seen. Thanks for them! I can't believe how tame they are...hop right on your hand when you put it in the cage
I have become a real hard boot on the putting away after shows and fairs. This place is a perpetual mess (you can't imagine how bad) and all we need is a bunch of fair junk added to the mix. You'll get yours done for sure, I imagine you are pretty tired after all that showing. Great job btw.

Becky, love you kiddo