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Monday, October 06, 2008

HSUS has chosen their candidate

The hugely wealthy, monster-sized animal rights, vegetarian, anti-farm group has found their man.
Read all about it here.

Here is more about their activities.(This time accusations of wiretapping.)


Jan said...

When a candidate espouses all causes liberal, I have to wonder if they really understand all the ramifications of what the group is advocating.

My answer is that they don't.

Windyridge said...

I am against HSUS of course as I have said in a few blog posts BUT I am not against hens having sufficient space to lie down, stand up, turn around and spread their wings. Having said that, one of the things I have never liked about Obama is that he is a staunch supporter of HSUS which humanizes animals and HSUS pretty much wants to stop farming ultimately. I believe in proper conditions for raising animals but I do not believe in treating them like humans. I also agree with what Jan said.

Deb said...

I find it so disheartening that enormous amounts of money are available to organizations such as the HSUS and PETA to preach their sermons, try to "humanize" animals and do away with farming yet so little money available to help the thousands of humans that are living in worse conditions than many animals. Sad.......

Throwback at Trapper Creek said...

Arrgh, this situation is getting worse and worse. I fear for what is ahead.

threecollie said...

Jan, I cannot think that he even has any clue what these people stand for.

WR, If they win, we lose, simple as that...and so do the animals

Deb, well, they sure have reached the main stream now I guess...and I sure agree with you about taking care of people first

Nita, what is wrong with people...I just don't know

Anonymous said...

"What is wrong with people?"

Most Americans are clueless about economics, including food, but they can name all the American Idol winners from day one.

I think it's a case of priorities.

threecollie said...

akagaga, it is so sad. Ignorance and apathy will kill this country if we aren't careful.

joated said...

You forgot to mention that HSUS is 100% anti-hunting as well.

threecollie said...

Joated, you are exactly right. They are pretty much against everything. I had to go on their website to research this week's column and I was cringing at what I read...brave chickens, cows running at night. Good grief.