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Monday, February 16, 2009

Doomsayers Unite

Or untie...whatever.

This is an interesting George Wills column on things that didn't happen and others that probably won't happen, but the powers that be want you to worry about them.


Jan said...

What I don't get is that with all the flatulence from cows that Northview must have, you should be living in a sauna/greenhouse there.

I know from the pictures you are posting that is not the case.

Do we believe Gore or our lying eyes?

Anonymous said...

Fred Would be nice toget that info on the national news but it wont happen

Earl said...

Well, I don't really want to go find what the current fear is, I have to keep my wife happy with my own foolishness - no time for the big terrible stuff, I have all the little problems that I barely manage as it is.

threecollie said...

Jan, good point. I'll tell you...it sure doesn't feel much like a sauna today. lol...good point

Matty, actually Will is a pretty big time columnist, but it won't stop the doomsayers from doomsaying...

Earl, isn't that the truth. My life would probably much more contented if I didn't read everything that came my way and then toss and turn at night worrying about it...good article though