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Saturday, March 07, 2009

Blind, Deaf and KindaTippy

But at fourteen he's still quite a Mike


Throwback at Trapper Creek said...

Hey what the heck! He's looking good for 14 :)

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

We should all be that great at 14 x 7

Jan said...

Maybe at 14 there just isn't anything interesting for him to hear anymore.

Freste said...

What more could you want?
I really believe he is just fine. If there's anything alarming he should hear, someone else can attend to it. He's done it long enough. If there is anything interesting to see and chase, someone else can do it. It's probably not as urgent as you think. That's wisdomus caninicus.

Deb said...

Wouldn't it be amazing if we could move like that when we are Mike's age? :)
I'm learning from having a dog with Diabetes, that the only thing they really need to get around is their nose.
Obviously Mike's nose is working just fine :)

threecollie said...

Nita, it amazes me every day how he manages his life

Shark, indeed, we should

Dani, thanks, I love the old guyh

Jan, he tries. I have to bellow to call them and he will look up as if puzzled, "you rang?" but then he comes as best he can

Steve, I think he is actually happy. He was really frightened when the ODVD hit, and sometimes even now he has panicky moments but for the most part he does great. You can actually see him thinking about how he will deal with a situation and then he does what he needs to. He can see a little bit when it is sunny and the other day he jumped over a cart thing Alan built. He didn't need to, he just wanted to. I could see him looking it over as he came down to the house. It was as if he was wondering if he could, deciding yes and doing it. He was so proud and jaunty afterward

Deb, dogs amaze me...ever day. The kids had Nick as "their dog" for a few years and they spoiled him terribly, to where he is a danger to the old sheep. Once he became hard to control they gave him back to me and I am retraining him. I never cease to be astonished at his intelligence.

The W.O.W. factor! said...

I just posted the other day about our 13 yr old Mac..
He's still spry outside~in the bright light...it's nights that get him.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE that photo. That's a memory photo.

threecollie said...

WOW, I empathized with your Mac post completely. Mike used to sleep next to my bed and be quiet and well-behaved every night...just the best, most loyal friend you could ask for. A good stock dog too. Then he came down with old dog vestibular disease...which added to being mostly blind and quite deaf made him very fearful. He couldn't do stairs any more and he paced the floor whining and drooling all night. It was a very hard time. Now he is pretty good about sleeping on some pillows in an extra large crate. Some days his odvd makes him anxious, but he gets along pretty well., I admire his determination in finding a way to deal with all his problems. Good luck

Teri, I just got lucky. I called him and he ran to me and I was just barely quick enough to get that one shot...thanks