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Friday, April 17, 2009


One is never alone these days even when working in the yard.

The blue jays have gone silent and secretive with the nesting season getting under way. Still it is easy to spot them as they pounce down upon some succulent thing, fluffing their blue bloomers behind them and acting all important and proud. They have been coming closer the past few days than they ever do in winter, and it is nice to get such a good look at them.

My morning walk downstairs feature a serenade from the white-throated sparrow and a distant cardinal. Soon the white crowned sparrows will stop by for a while. For some reason they love the box elder trees and for a few weeks almost every one of them will sport a showy sparrow or two.

And the wait for the hummingbirds has begun.


Dani said...

Such a pretty little bird! Glad spring is coming around for y'all.

Anonymous said...

Do you have the milk pick up thing taken care of now? I have not seen a post about it for a few days and just pray that is a good sign that it is all settled.

DayPhoto said...

Thank you for all the lovely photos. And I passed on the virus check site to more of my friends. Thanks, that was good to have.


nathy said...

all photos are well and related to the practical life..can you update some more like this...

Ed said...

Very cute, We get a few Hummers in Tennessee also, but we need to plant more attractive flowers to bring them in..:-)

R.Powers said...

First hummer I saw this year was on Valentines Day! Thanks for the great shots!

threecollie said...

Dain, I woke up this morning to his clear, sharp call!

Anon, it is sort of taken care of. They are still up to something behind our backs and I am not sure what will happen, but for the moment the milk is getting picked up. Thanks!

Linda, it seemed kind of cool to me. We actually scanned all the computers with the Microsoft malicious software removal tool last month, but this seemed easier

Nathy, thanks for visiting! I try to update every day..

Ed, they are such a delight! I plant and maintain a feeder to bring them close because I simply love them

FC, yours are so lovely too!
Today's post is just for you...lol

Anonymous said...

I was wondering about your milk situation too, hope it goes well. I'd love to have more Jays around but they only drop in when they're going through.

threecollie said...

Linda, we are okay for the moment, but there is trouble afoot in the whole industry. Hard times these days.
I love the jays. Usually they move away during the nesting season but so far this year they are hanging around...