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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Dedicated to Florida Cracker

If only upstate NY and Pure Florida were not so far apart you could bring that JEEP right over and we could fill all your landscaping needs!

I wish the skid steer was just a little meaner so the boss could bring some of these down for me.


Deb said...

Wow Threecollie, you guys grow some nice rocks out there :)
I could use some of those as well....we have 40 acres of sand. Not a rock on the entire place. Lots of water but I could use a rock or two occasionally!

Have a great weekend :)

R.Powers said...

OMG! Like rock heaven LOL!

How many stamps you think it'd take for one of those boulders?

Thanks for the thought!!!

Anonymous said...

oh yeh..we grow "Good" rocks in nys!

any volunteer? for picking season is fast aproaching!


Ericka said...

ooh, nice rocks indeed! we grow some good ones in ohio too. mom's wildflower garden is bordered by them. i will probably be hauling a bunch back here to nc on my next trip home - i have a couple of things here that could use corraling.

Teri C. said...

Rocks! We have zillions too. Your pics make yours look so good. Mine make me miserable.

threecollie said...

Deb, wish we could share! This is my favorite rock pile, close to the house and full of interesting beauties. We have something I call bread rock (for want of a meaningful description) that is a rich honey gold, with bright white veins. I pick up every piece I find!

FC, that big limestone one in the Stone Henge like formation would get mailed right down here to my own rock garden if it wasn't so heavy. It is really neat! I love the limestone you find here in the valley, especially the worked pieces that speak of old foundations or even Erie Canal locks

anon, it is upon us!!

Ericka, I am a rock lover. I would just as soon the guys bring me a big rock for Mother's Day as any chocolate or card!

Teri, fortunately for me I didn't participate in the construction of this particular pile. It was here when I came. I think it may be part of the reason this is a pasture and not a worked field though. For every one here there are lots and lots and lots more out on the ground. lol