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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Guess who

Got accepted at SUNY Potsdam?

To study archeology?

This Girl!

(We are just normal, average type parents....so we are so darned proud!!!!)


Jan said...

How great!! congratulations to her and to her whole family. You all can take some credit for her achievements.

dickiebo said...

Hi! Congrats!
PS. Why the heck would you want to put a magnet in a cow's stomach? Spite, perhaps? A joke?
C'mon. You can tell us!

Anonymous said...

Way to go! I'm sure your daughter is on her way to great things!

Anonymous said...

Way to go! I'm sure your daughter is on her way to great things!

Jeffro said...

Geez, proud of your daughter? I can't imagine why....


Congrats all around!

Anonymous said...

way to go rebecca!

Ericka said...

yay! congratulations!

joated said...


Onward and upward, young lady... even if you have to dig downward and into the past to do so.

R.Powers said...

Wonderful and you should feel proud!

Throwback at Trapper Creek said...

Congratulations! That is pretty exciting!

threecollie said...

Jan, thanks, she is such a great kid

Dickiebo, thanks for visiting! The magnets pull metal bits that they swallow away from the region of the heart (in the stomach) and put them in a lower part of the stomach where they do less harm

Karen, thank you, we are so happy!

Jeffro, thanks, proud and happy, but she will be the first chick to leave the nest....I am so not ready

anon, thanks!

Ericka, thank you so much

Joated, thanks, can't wait for the digging part.

FC, thanks, and virtually every credit transferred!

Nita, thanks so very much!

nyvolfan said...

Congrats to Becky and the proud parents!!!! Jen and I are sooo happy for her as well. This will be a huge step for all of you!!!! Good Luck Beck and I'm here if you have any questions or concerns.

Windyridge said...

Awesome! My son is looking at Clarkson for 2010 engineering.

Tina Marie the Willow Witch said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! It does the heart good, doesnt it!!

threecollie said...

NYV, thank you! She is so excited!

WR, that is great! Hope it works out well for him

WW, thanks, it really does, a small bright spot in a gloomy world.