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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sunday Stills.....Religion

For more Sunday Stills.......


Ed said...

Very nice..:-)

WhimsybyMari said...

very nice shots.

Regular Guy said...

Simple and beautiful.

Shirley said...

I love that first one!

Anonymous said...

So creative and simple. I love them.

Anonymous said...

Inspirationsl. Loved your choices.

Andrea said...

Beautiful shots....love the variety. :)

Sherri said...

Great shots.

Flo said...

Fabulous photos!!!

Mine is up over at the photo blog.

J9 said...

I like the way the frame around the crusifixion looks like a frame around stained glass, and the red rests beautifully among the green and yellow of the flowers. Well done!

VioletSky said...

simplicity in its glory.

Jen Mo said...

Great shots!!!

The Wife said...


MariesImages said...


MariesImages said...


Holly said...

my kind of shots!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Credit where credit due, well said and photographed:)

threecollie said...

Ed thanks

Mari, thank you, I'm afraid I kind of waited until the last minute...

RG, thanks the picture was my grandmother's and was always in her room. Now it is in mine

Shirley, thanks oddly enough both my sister in law and I used things that belonged to my maternal grandmother, entirely coincidentally

Linda, thanks, I think you and I kind of had the same idea, not unreasonably as we share some things in life

dibear, thank you very much

Andrea, thank you....

Sherri, thanks

Flo, thanks, I'll come over and take a look

J9, thank you so much. I had no trouble finding natural beauty, but I did wait to the last minute to take the poor little picture outside.

Violet sky..thank you, it has been so beautiful here the past few weeks...and I am very grateful

Jen Mo, thanks

The Wife, thanks, I loved yours!

Marie, thanks

Holly, hard not to feel it when you are surrounded by this every day. Thanks

Pete, thank you

Far Side, thanks so much

CTG Ponies said...

Very pretty. I really like the first one.

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Lovely photos all!


threecollie said...

CTG Ponies, thank you, I love that old picture of my grandma's too

Lisa, thanks!